What does it mean to be a slick person?

What does it mean to be a slick person?

a slick person is clever and good at persuading people but probably not honest or sincere. a slick car salesman. Synonyms and related words. Words used to describe people or behaviour that is not sincere.

What does Slick mean in slang?

The slang definition of slick has a positive and negative meaning. The positive meaning is a clever person. The negative meaning is a person who can also be a cheat or a swindle. This definition of slick has been around since the 1930�s and has had little change since then.

What is Sliking?

transitive verb. : to make sleek or smooth. intransitive verb. : spruce —usually used with up. slick.

What does Slick mean in Old English?

Etymology 1. From Middle English slicke, slike, slyke, from Old English slīc (“sleek, smooth; crafty, cunning, slick”), from Proto-Germanic *slīkaz (“sleek, smooth”), from Proto-Indo-European *sleyg-, *sleyǵ- (“to glide, smooth, spread”).

What are slicks drugs?

Slick was a recreational drug that was made from fermented seaweed oil that otherwise had medicinal properties. The primary effect of the drug was that it induced a temporary state of euphoric delirium.

How can you tell if someone is slick?

A slick action is done quickly and smoothly, and without any obvious effort. They were outplayed by the Colombians’ slick passing and decisive finishing. A slick person speaks easily in a way that is likely to convince people, but is not sincere.

Is Slick a good word?

slick Add to list Share. Slick means smooth or slippery, but it can also describe a smooth, effortless style.

What does sleek mean in slang?

A: In dictionary terms it means smooth and like glossy, but if you’re talking about “sleek” as slang then it means like nice or good.

What is the slide in?

To enter or slot into some place, area, or thing, especially when space is limited. Go ahead and slide in next to Jeff in the back seat.” We’ll need to find a spot in the living room where this bookshelf can slide in. 2.

What are slicks in the military?

a UH-1 helicopter used for transporting troops in tactical air assault operations. The helicopter did not have protruding armaments and was, therefore, “slick”. a grenade that released brightly colored smoke.

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