What is the point of On His Blindness?

What is the point of On His Blindness?

“On His Blindness” centers on Milton’s faith in God as he is losing his sight. The poem is a sonnet that uses figurative language to express Milton’s fear, frustration, and acceptance. The poem signals a turn when Milton shifts from fear of punishment to realization.

What moral message does Milton’s On His Blindness?

The message that this poem conveys is the message of timely consecration and dedication to God. The poet lost his eye sight in his fifties; the poet felt he could have better used his eyesight in writing something to praise God. Another message that has been conveyed through the poem is the value of patience.

What is John Milton’s main purpose when he wrote the poem when I consider how my light is spent?

John Milton went blind in 1651 due to glaucoma, though this did not keep him from writing. He wrote this sonnet, “When I consider how my light is spend,” as a meditation on his blindness. Analysis: This is similar to Milton’s fear about whether he was wasting his talent to write poetry.

What does light mean in On His Blindness?

Milton, the speaker, expresses his fear that now that he is blind, he is no longer of any use to God, especially since his work as a writer depends on his being able to see. In this sense, the “light” that is spent refers to Milton’s vision, an ability which has already been spent “ere half my days” have elapsed.

What is the significance of the last line of the poem On His Blindness?

This last line of the poem “On His Blindness” by John Milton relates to a person exercising patience and faith despite their circumstances. The person in this poem feels they are unworthy and useless to God. Their affliction- blindness – has hampered their ability to perform acts and deeds as they once did.

Why doesn’t God need man’s work On His Blindness?

In the first half of the poem, the speaker asks whether God requires physical labor from those who cannot see (or have no light). Patience (personified) then appears to explain that God does not need man because God does not need anything. Men who “best / Bear his mild yoke” offer the heart that God requires.

What virtue was emphasize in the poem On His Blindness?

“Patience is a virtue.” Discuss Milton’s poem “On His Blindness” in light of this statement. Milton is keen to continue serving God in his capacity as a great writer—yet he doesn’t feel he’s able to on account of his blindness. This makes him feel useless, as if he can no longer serve his…

What is the meaning of when I consider how my light is spent?

The speaker thinks about how all of his light has been used up (“spent”) before even half his life is over. As a man without light, he now lives in a world that is both “dark and wide.” The speaker says that his light can be “spent,” and this word suggests that he is thinking of something like an oil lamp.

What is the analysis of Milton’s sonnet?

‘When I Consider How My Light Is Spent’ is a sonnet written by the poet John Milton (1608-74). The poem is about the poet’s blindness: he began to go blind in the early 1650s, in his early forties, and this sonnet is his response to his loss of sight and the implications it has for his life.

What does the last line mean On His Blindness?

What is the persona considering in lines 1 2 On His Blindness?

Lines 1-2. When I consider how my light is spent, Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide, The speaker thinks about how all of his light has been used up (“spent”) before even half his life is over.

What is the meaning of the poem on his blindness?

On His Blindness is a poem in which Milton reflects on his faith as he is turning blind. ‘On His Blindness’ centers on Milton’s faith in God as he is losing his sight. The poem is a sonnet that uses figurative language to express Milton’s fear, frustration, and acceptance.

What is the meaning of John Milton’s on his blindness?

The poem is a sonnet that uses figurative language to express Milton’s fear, frustration, and acceptance. The poem signals a turn when Milton shifts from fear of punishment to realization. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. You now understand the structure and meaning of ‘On His Blindness,’ a poem by John Milton.

Who is the author of on his blindness?

Comment on the two different moode of the poets as revealed by the sonnet. Ans.: “On His Blindness is a sonnet written by John Milton, an acclaimed seventeenth century English poet.

What is the tragedy of on his blindness?

The speaker in the poem feels vulnerable; he can no longer literally see his own way or easily protect himself from dangers. The special tragedy of this particular speaker is that he has lost his sight at an unusually early stage of life. Rather than becoming blind when elderly, he has become blind in middle age.

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