Does Rory have a one plane swing?

Does Rory have a one plane swing?

Rory has a very inside-out swing path coming down which makes him hit a “push-draw”. Charlie has the fastest club head speed on the PGA tour at 130mph while Rory is not far behind at 124mph. Hopefully now you can see there is not a “one swing fits all” method. There is no secrets or perfect golf swing.

Is Tiger Woods Stack and Tilt?

One the reasons Woods was attracted to stack and tilt is that it is easier on the body. Instead of shifting his weight from left to right, then lashing back into the ball and snapping his left knee, his lower body remains relatively calm.

Should your iron swing be the same as your driver?

The truth is, the best golf swing for drivers and irons is essentially the same. The difference is not in the swing itself, but in how you approach the swing. I’m going to share a few easy adjustments you can make between your driver shots and your iron shots.

Why does Rory McIlroy unwind his hips late in his downswing?

Rory unwinds his hips extremely late in his downswing, because of the immense force he puts into the ground with his legs as he starts down. This generates a ton of clubhead speed, especially for a guy Rory’s size (five foot nine inches, 160 pounds).

Where does Rory McIlroy get his power from?

At the top of his swing Rory McIlroy has made a huge shoulder turn of about 110° moving the club a bit past parallel. His hips start the downswing action aggressively as he has a big gap to fill until impact. This aggressive coil up gives him a lot of power which he knows to transfer over to the impact position.

How is Rory McIlroy’s swing built for draw?

Rory makes a complete turn that positions his hands behind his trail shoulder. Perfect. Notice the gap between his legs. This comes from pulling his lead knee back behind the ball — a big-time rotation boost. 2. Downswing Rory’s driver swing is built perfectly for a draw, with the shaft laying on top of his trail forearm.

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