How long does it take to go from Bali to Gili Islands?

How long does it take to go from Bali to Gili Islands?

Hopping on a fast boat from Bali to Gili Islands is the most convenient, and quickest, way of commuting. You can opt for this service from two places in Bali, Padang Bai, and Amed. The journey takes 2.5 – 3 hours depending on the weather.

How to go to Gili from Bali?

Slow Boat to Gili Trawangan from Bali:

  1. Route: Your accommodation in Canggu/Ubud → Drive to Padang Bai (1.5+ hours) → Slow boat to Lombok (4+ hours) → Taxi from Lembar Port to Bangsal Port (1.5+ hours) → Boat to Gili Trawangan (30+ minutes)
  2. Travel Time: 10+ hours total including waiting time.

How do I get from Bali airport to Gili Islands?

There are 2 ways to get from Denpasar Airport to Gili Islands by taxi, ferry or bus

  1. Take a taxi from Denpasar Airport to Padang Bai.
  2. Take the ferry from Padang Bai to Gili Meno.

How to get to Gili Islands?

The easiest way to get to the Gilis from Lombok’s airport or Senggigi is to walk to the nearest travel agent, taxi desk or tour and book a package. The cheapest way is to take a bemo/taxi to Pemenang, walk or cidomo (Rp 5,000) to Bangsal, and then take the Public boat (ferry) (Rp 10,000 to Gili Air) from there.

How long is ferry from Bali to Gili?

Ferries from Bali to the Gili Islands typically take around 1,5-2 hours from the main harbour in Padang Bai and the cheapest tickets sell for around $20-$25 for a single trip.

How do I get from Bali to Gili Meno island?

The easiest way of getting from Bali to Gili Meno is with a boat company called Gili Getaway, formerly Island Getaway. The boat departs from Serangan Harbour, which is about half an hour from Kuta/Seminyak area, at 09:00.

Which one is the best Gili island?

Gili Air is the best Gili Island for honeymoons, family trips, and travelers who want to escape the madness of Gili Trawangan but need more action than in Gili Meno. On this island, you’ll find more restaurants than in Meno and even some cocktail bars.

Can you do a day trip to Gili Islands from Bali?

No the Gilis are not a day trip at all. They are not even off the coast of Bali, they are off the coast of Lombok, the next island over. Boat companies say it takes an hour to get there.

Can you fly from Bali to Gili Islands?

Flying From Bali To Lombok You can also fly from Bali to Lombok to reach the Gili Islands. I would only recommend this if you are exploring Lombok too (which we recommend as it’s a beautiful island) or if it’s a time of year where the sea conditions are poor.

How much is the fast boat from Bali to Gili?

The price of a ticket is approximately US$52 (700,000rps) one way and US$100 (1,350,000rps) return per person (subject to exchange rate flutuations). This price includes hotel transfers from most hotels in South Bali.

How do I get from Gili Trawangan to Gili Meno?

There are 2 slow boats that leave Gili T to Gili Meno first at 9:30 am and 16:00 pm. Although it’s a ‘slow boat’, the journey time from Gili T to Gili Meno by boat is just 10-15 minutes. A one-way ticket costs 35,000 IDR and you buy it at the ticket office at Gili T pier.

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