Who are the antagonists in the Bible?

Who are the antagonists in the Bible?

99 Fascinating Heroes and Villains of the Bible Villains: Cain, Pharaoh — King of Egypt, Delilah, Goliath, Jezebel, Nebuchadnezzar, Haman, Herod the Great, Herod Antipas and Herodias, Judas Iscariot, Pontius Pilate, Abimelech, Lot, The Levite who abandoned his concubine, etc.

What do the three temptations represent?

The three temptations which Matthew records give an insight into the issues that Jesus was wrestling with during his forty days in the wilderness: “Tell these stones to become bread” – The first dilemma which Jesus faced was how to use his miraculous power, whether to use it for selfish reasons or to help others.

Why did Elisha say my father my father?

When Elisha sees Elijah riding up to heaven in a fiery chariot drawn by fiery horses, he calls him: וישרפו לארשי בכר יבא יבא, “My father, my father! In order to distinguish the men of God from ordinary people, Joash and Elisha employed a powerful and expressive image.

What is the name of Elisha’s father?


Who was the most evil king in the Bible?

Ahab became king of Israel in the thirty-eighth year of King Asa of Judah, and reigned for twenty-two years, according to 1 Kings….

Died c. 852 BC Ramoth-Gilead, Syria
Burial Samaria, Kingdom of Israel
Consort Jezebel of Sidon
Issue Ahaziah of Israel Jehoram of Israel Athaliah of Judah

Who was dahlia in the Bible?

Delilah, also spelled Dalila, in the Old Testament, the central figure of Samson’s last love story (Judges 16). She was a Philistine who, bribed to entrap Samson, coaxed him into revealing that the secret of his strength was his long hair, whereupon she took advantage of his confidence to betray him to his enemies.

How did Jesus resist temptation?

Throughout His temptation in Luke 4:1-13, Jesus maintained His integrity by holding firm against all Satan threw at Him. Because He was tempted as we are, He is able to understand what we face. He is also a powerful example of how to overcome the temptations and testing that comes our way.

What is the significance of Satan’s first temptation?

Satan’s first temptation was to entice Jesus to satisfy his craving for food, that most basic, physical, biological need. It was a temptation of the senses, an appeal to appetite, and in many ways the most common and most dangerous of the devil’s allurements.

Why did Elisha tear his clothes?

In tearing his garments, Elisha expresses grief at the separation. The king of Israel, to whom the Aramean king sent a letter to help Naaman obtain healing (Ska 2000), was panic-stricken such that he tore his garments (2 Ki 5:7). He thought that the king of Aram was trying to pick a quarrel with him (2 Ki 5:7).

What did Jesus cry out on the cross?

On the cross Jesus said “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Mark 15:34b). Jesus felt abandoned, forsaken, because He really was abandoned in fulfillment of the Scriptures. Jesus, who knew no sin, was made to be sin on behalf of all who would believe (2 Corinthians 5:21a). This transpired on the cross.

What killed Elisha in the Bible?

At the siege of Samaria by the king of Syria, Elisha prophesied about the terrible sufferings of the people of Samaria and their eventual relief. After predicting to Jehoash his victory over the Syrians at Aphek, as well as three other subsequent victories, “Elisha died, and they buried him.”

What did Elisha do in the Bible?

As a prophet, Elisha was a political activist and revolutionary. He led a “holy war” that extinguished the house of Omri in Jerusalem as well as in Samaria (2 Kings 9–10). Though Elisha recruited Jehu to revolt against and succeed Ahab, it was Elijah who was instructed to anoint Jehu as Israel’s king (1 Kings 19:16)..

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