Who is the real writer of Geronimo Stilton?

Who is the real writer of Geronimo Stilton?

Elisabetta Dami
Geronimo Stilton is an Italian children’s book series written by Elisabetta Dami (though the covers claim they were written by the title character).

Do Geronimo Stilton books have pictures?

If you aren’t familiar with the books, Geronimo Stilton is a newspaper mouse. These books are known for colorful text and pictures, and are written for elementary age, with the sweet spot being ages 7 to 10. (Get those royalties, Elisabetta Dami!

How old is Elisabetta Dami now?

About 63 years (1958)
Elisabetta Dami/Age

Where is Elisabetta Dami from?

Milan, Italy
Elisabetta Dami/Place of birth

How many Geronimo Stilton books are there in total 2021?

The most extensive collection, the Geronimo Stilton series, now has seventy-six books and four famous books coming in the not too distant future. Another series would be the Special Editions and the Mini Mysteries.

Is Thea Stilton a real author?

A pseudonym of Elisabetta Dami, aka Geronimo Stilton. Elisabetta Dami is an Italian author that currently resides in Italy. She is the author of the Geronimo Stilton series, a bestselling childrens book.

What is Geronimo Stilton’s real name?

Elisabetta Maria Dami
Elisabetta Dami/Full name

How many books has Elisabetta Dami written?

With more than 75 books on Geronimo Stilton, 30 more on his sister Thea Stilton, and innumerable anniversary, mini editions, mini mysteries, special editions and graphic novels on characters Elisabetta has created, kids are clearly spoilt for choice.

Who is Elisabetta Dami parents?

Piero Dami
Elisabetta Dami/Parents

What is the shortest Geronimo Stilton book?

The Stone of Fire by Geronimo Stilton.

Is Geronimo Stilton adopted?

Geronimo Stilton is the title character and protagonist of the series. Geronimo was born in New Mouse City, Mouse Island. He was adopted by the Stilton family when he was an orphan and does not know who his biological parents are.

How did Elisabetta Dami become an author?

The daughter of publisher Piero Dami (founder of Dami Editore in 1972), she began working as a proofreader at the family publishing house and began to write her first stories at the age of 19. Her experience gained from assisting sick children as a volunteer led to the idea of writing adventure.

How old was Elisabetta Dami when she started writing?

Elisabetta Dami was born in Milan, Italy. The daughter of publisher Piero Dami (founder of Dami Editore in 1972), she began working as a proofreader at the family publishing house and began to write her first stories at the age of 19.

Who are the characters in Elisabetta Dami’s books?

Her most famous work is the Geronimo Stilton series. Her other books have Thea Stilton and the Thea Sisters as the main characters. The Thea Sisters include Colette, Nicky, Pamela, Paulina, and Violet. In 1999 Dami began to collaborate with the Piemme publishing house, which, decided to produce a collection of books for children.

Who are the main characters in Geronimo Stilton?

Her most famous work is the Geronimo Stilton series. Her other books have Thea Stilton and the Thea Sisters as the main characters. The Thea Sisters include Colette, Nicky, Pamela, Paulina, and Violet.

What did Elisabetta Dami do as a volunteer?

In the Nineties, my background as a volunteer in pediatric hospitals with ABIO Association (a charity association supporting Italian pediatric hospitals), made me understand the importance of inspiring hope to ill children.

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