What is meant by circuitous?

What is meant by circuitous?

1 : having a circular or winding course a circuitous route a circuitous journey by snowmobile. 2 : not being forthright or direct in language or action a circuitous explanation His circuitous form of logic was mind-boggling.

What is a circuitous argument?

Characterized by indirectness, evasiveness, or complexity, as in action or language: a circuitous method of inquiry; a circuitous argument. [From Medieval Latin circuitōsus, from Latin circuitus, a going around; see circuit.]

What is the synonym of circuitous?

roundabout, indirect, winding, meandering, serpentine, tortuous, twisting. rare anfractuous. direct, straight. 2’a circuitous discussion’ indirect, oblique, roundabout, circumlocutory, periphrastic.

Can a person be circuitous?

Circuitous comes from the Latin word circuitus meaning “a going around.” If you’re being circuitous it’s like you’re going around and around in circles. It can also refer to someone’s manner or speech, if they are not being direct.

What is wrong with circular reasoning?

Circular reasoning is not a formal logical fallacy but a pragmatic defect in an argument whereby the premises are just as much in need of proof or evidence as the conclusion, and as a consequence the argument fails to persuade.

What is an example of circumlocution?

The definition of circumlocution means the use of unneeded words. An example of circumlocution is the use of the phrase “pass on” instead of “dies.”

Why do we use circumlocution?

However, the major use of circumlocution is to express something ambiguously, and often in poetry to create regular rhyme. Also, it is employed to give different ideas to readers.

How do you use circuitous in a sentence?

Circuitous in a Sentence 🔉

  1. While John said his directions would get us home quickly, his route actually took us on a more circuitous path that led us miles out of the way.
  2. My boss asked me to simplify the circuitous language for the average reader.

What is the meaning of the word circuitous?

A circuitous route is long and complicated rather than simple and direct . The cabdriver took them on a circuitous route to the police station. Stuart came into film-making via a circuitous route. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.

Which is the best definition of a circuitous argument?

2. Characterized by indirectness, evasiveness, or complexity, as in action or language: a circuitous method of inquiry; a circuitous argument. [From Medieval Latin circuitōsus, from Latin circuitus, a going around; see circuit .]

What is the meaning of the word circuity?

Characterized by indirectness, evasiveness, or complexity, as in action or language: a circuitous method of inquiry; a circuitous argument. [From Medieval Latin circuitōsus, from Latin circuitus, a going around; see circuit.]

Where was the circuitous route on the GPS?

The path I took was circuitous but ultimately true to those adolescent interests. It is some 4,000 kilometers west of Diego Garcia, but the GPS signals traced a circuitous route that wound through more than 6,000 kilometers of open ocean.

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