Is Kerbal realistic?

Is Kerbal realistic?

The orbit simulation is quite accurate, including how to change inclination, raise/lower orbits, leave a planet, and approach a new planet. The staging is somewhat accurate. The use of fuel, acceleration, mass, etc. are pretty accurate.

How do you get infinite fuel in KSP?

Press ALT+F12 to access the debug console, which you can use to enjoy unlimited fuel, unbreakable joints, and other helpful perks.

What is the Muns gravity?

Surface gravity 1.63 m/s2 (0.166 g)
Escape velocity 807.08 m/s
Sidereal rotation period 138 984.38 s
6 d 2 h 36 m 24.4 s

What is KerbNet?

KerbNet is an orbital scanning and mapping system introduced in 1.2. When accessed from a KerbNet-capable part, a window will appear, displaying topographic, biome or resource maps for the area under the craft depending on the selected mode and the technical capabilities of the part.

How hard is KSP?

The game isn’t complicated. Docking is hard [to learn] but getting to orbit is pretty easy without getting into math too much. Got about 100 if those hrs in just screwing with building extreme jets/planes. Once you get into this game there are many sandbox niches to get into without career mode.

How do I stop my KSP from overheating?

Generally, the faster you go, the faster you heat up. This can be mitigated by ablative heat shields, introduced in version 1.0. Ablative heat shields use a resource called “Ablator.” They protect parts stack attached above them by burning off (or ablating) ablator.

Does the moon have biomes?

Moon planets do not have any sub biomes which appear, and moons do not appear as a sub biome on any other planet types.

Do parachutes work on the Mun KSP?

Mun orbit is best achieved through the use of moderately sized, multi-stage rockets such as the Kerbal X. Landing is only possible through the use of retrograde thrusters and landing gear; Mun’s lack of an atmosphere makes parachutes completely useless.

How many biomes are there on kerbin?

11 biomes
Kerbin. The planet Kerbin has 11 biomes, plus a large number of surface-only “location biomes” comprising Kerbal Space Center and related launch sites. Roughly 60% Kerbin’s surface is Water biome.

How do I scan arms with light KSP?

Here are their location per biome. Once the surface feature is found, get close to it and right-click on the arm to start the scan. The ship must be at a full stop and the arm must have enough room and electricity to perform the experiment. In total you will need ~100 EC to run the experiment from start to finish.

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