What is Mexican romeritos?

What is Mexican romeritos?

Romeritos is a Mexican dish from Central Mexico, consisting of tender sprigs of seepweed (Suaeda spp.) That name in English means “little rosemary”; some seepweed species can vaguely resemble such plant when fresh but neither taste nor smell similar in any way.

What do romeritos taste like?

Though it resembles a soft, non-woody form of the herb rosemary, the flavor is somewhat tart and naturally salty. In fact, romeritos taste a lot like spinach. As an evergreen shrub that grows wild in marshy areas, romeritos tolerate a high saline content in the soil, and for this reason are often quite naturally salty.

Is Romeritos a dish found in traditional Spanish cuisine?

Romeritos is a traditional Mexican dish made of the romerito herb mixed with shrimp and potatoes with mole sauce. It’s usually cooked on New Year’s Eve, Christmas, and Lent. Another common way to cook them is to make Romerito patties with dried shrimps.

Where can I find romeritos outside of Mexico?

Outside of Mexico, romeritos can occasionally be found in areas of large Mexican populations (especially the southwestern United States), but most of us probably won’t have easy access to this delicious leafy green.

What’s the most traditional way to serve romeritos?

Revoltijo: The most traditional way to serve romeritos is in a stew-like dish called revoltijo, which translates loosely as “jumble,” presumably because the plated dish looks like a jumble of ingredients. Typically served during religious holidays, it is a somewhat fancy dish.

What do you make with shrimp and romeritos?

Shrimp pancakes, cooked potatoes, nopalitos (cactus), mole sauce, and romeritos are mixed in a stew and served with white rice, and/or bolillos or bread. Leftover revoltijo can be refrigerated and reheated, although the potatoes and shrimp will most likely take on a somewhat unattractive dark color from sitting in the mole sauce.

What can I substitute for romeritos in mole?

If you can’t find romeritos where you are, you can substitute fresh baby spinach, although the final presentation might look a bit different. Other versions of this dish feature dried prawn patties, but we’ve made it a little simpler here by just including dried prawns.

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