What should I name my subdivision?

What should I name my subdivision?

Some of our favorite subdivision names include:

  • Alexander Woods.
  • Beverley Woods.
  • Brittany Oaks.
  • Sycamore Village.
  • Chestnut Lake.
  • Victory Lakes.
  • Magnolia Estates.
  • The Waters.

What are subdivisions called?

Subdivision is the act of dividing land into pieces that are easier to sell or otherwise develop, usually via a plat. If it is used for housing it is typically known as a housing subdivision or housing development, although some developers tend to call these areas communities.

Why do subdivisions have names?

A subdivision`s name, they say, can establish a tone and image for a community and might even affect sales. Tom Bruce, division manager in Charlotte, N.C., for UDC Homes, nixed Belle Maison as a name for an upscale subdivision UDC opened last year. Instead, the name became Providence Arbours.

How do I name my neighborhood?

How to choose a neighborhood name

  1. Use the official or generally accepted name of your community. If there isn’t an official or generally accepted name for your area, we suggest looking to local thoroughfares, a nearby park, or a landmark for inspiration.
  2. Keep it short and sweet.
  3. Use correct capitalization.
  4. Use spaces.

What are community names?

A community name identifies a collection of SNMP managers and agents. The use of a community name provides primitive security and context checking for both agents and managers that receive requests and initiate trap operations. An agent won’t accept a request from a manager outside the community.

What is an example of a subdivision?

A subdivision is an area, part, or section of something which is itself a part of something larger. Months are a conventional subdivision of the year. Rammick lives high on a ridge in a 400-home subdivision.

How do you name a new housing development?

Names Count

  1. Time is money, and for good reason, when it comes to developing new residential communities. So is the name you bestow on each residential development.
  2. Borrow interest.
  3. Honor landmarks.
  4. Be authentic.
  5. Celebrate influence.
  6. Consider spelling.
  7. Aim appropriately.
  8. Be complementary.

What are housing communities called?

Homeowner associations (HOAs) are usually formed within communities or neighborhoods of single-family homes or multiple-unit buildings (such as condominiums).

What are rich neighborhoods called?

$394,293 is the mean household income. Mamaroneck Village is 83.9% white; 2.2% Latino; 4.9% Asian; 4.0% and 7.2% black.

What are the six types of subdivisions?


  • There are many different ways you can subdivide your property. The most common forms of urban subdivision are – Freehold (Fee Simple), Cross Lease, Unit Title.
  • Freehold Subdivision – this can also be called Fee Simple Subdivision.
  • Cross Lease Subdivision.
  • Unit Title Subdivision.
  • Rural Subdivision.

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