What are technical specifications in construction?

What are technical specifications in construction?

Technical specifications (specifications) are defined by ASTM International as “an explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, system, or service.” Specifications effectively draw the line between what is recommended and what is required.

What is the technical specification of a construction component or materials?

Construction specifications, also called specs, are the details for the work that needs to be completed in a construction project. These details include information such as materials, the scope of work, installation process, and quality of work.

What is in a technical specification?

A technical specification document defines the requirements for a project, product, or system. A specification is the information on technical design, development, and procedures related to the requirements it outlines.

What should be included in a building specification?

Specification: A detailed description of the dimensions, construction, workmanship, materials etc., of work done or to be done, prepared by an architect, engineer etc.

What is the purpose of the technical specifications in construction?

Technical specifications are prepared to provide consistency and to instruct construction contractors on how the works are to be carried out, the quality of the workmanship and methods of quality assurance for the construction.

What is the purpose of the technical specifications in a construction contract?

Construction specifications are a part of the construction contract. They detail the work, materials, and installation required to complete a project. The specs are a subcontractor’s field guide on what materials to use, how to install them, and the desired level of quality.

What are the three main components of engineering construction project?

The construction industry typically includes three parties: an owner, a licensed designer (architect or engineer) and a builder (usually known as a general contractor). There are traditionally two contracts between these parties as they work together to plan, design and construct the project.

Why is technical specification important?

By understanding as much as possible at the very beginning of the project, a technical specification allows us to provide an accurate estimation of the effort involved. It also helps to identify any snags, risks or areas where more research is required.

What are the types of specifications?

Types of Specifications;

  • General Specifications.
  • Detailed Specifications. a. Standard Specification. b. Special Specification.

What is the technical definition of specifications and how is it used in the construction?

According to the Dictionary of Architecture & Construction a specification is, “a written document describing in detail the scope of work, materials to be used, methods of installation, and quality of workmanship for a parcel of work to be placed under contract; usually utilized in conjunction with working (contract) …

What are the components of a construction spec?

This type of spec usually involves three key components: General provisions: requirements surrounding codes and standards. Required products: the type of products required based on performance and structural stipulations. Execution procedures: how to do the install and measure its effectiveness.

What are the benefits of the core component technical specification?

A cornerstone of the UN/CEFACT standardisation activities is the Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS). Core Components are the syntax-neutral and technology-independent building blocks that can be used for data modeling. Major benefits of CCTS include improved reuse of existing data artifacts,…

What do you need to know about a building specification?

Specifications describe the materials and workmanship required for a development. They do not include cost, quantity or drawn information, and so need to be read alongside other information such as quantities, schedules and drawings.

What are the 12 components of a building?

Mentioned below are the 12 basic components a building structure. 1. Roof 2. Parapet 3. Lintels 4. Beams and slabs 5. Columns 6. Damp Proof Course (DPC)

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