What is Obiee web catalog?

What is Obiee web catalog?

The presentation catalog (Web Catalog) stores the content that users create within OBIEE. The presentation catalog includes objects such as folders, shortcuts, filters, KPIs and dashboards. These objects are built using the presentation layer within the RPD.

How do you move Obiee from one environment to another?

Use the Copy and Paste feature of the tool to copy elements from one repository to another, like this: Check the repository consistency afterwards, and if all is OK then open the production repository online to start using the migrated objects.

How do I move reports in Obiee?

Locate the first of the objects (or a folder, if there’s a whole set of requests to migrate), and select Copy from the application toolbar. Then, either close this catalog and open one you want to copy to, or start another copy of Catalog Manager, and paste the objects into the other catalog.

How do I migrate from Obiee to OAC?

Steps to Migrate From OBIEE 11g to OAC

  1. Start with downloading the Oracle Analytics Cloud migration tool JAR file.
  2. Copy the JAR file into your OBIEE 11g environment.
  3. Now run the migration-tool.
  4. Deploy the bundle into your Oracle Analytics Cloud environment.
  5. Log in to your OACS and verify the migration.

What is catalog manager in Obiee?

OBIEE – Catalog Manager The catalog manager is an GUI administration tool to manage the webcat object. The file catalogmanager.exe is located: on 10g: BI_ORACLE_HOME\web\catalogmanager.

What is catalog manager in Obiee 11g?

It is a window based client using catalog manager we can deploy web catalog in two ways. They are. 1. Offline.

How can one port changes for reports dashboards RPD etc to production from development?

How will you Port changes for dashboards,reports,rpd from development to production? For the rpd use the Merge option in Admin Tool and for dashboards and reports use Content Accelerator Framework.

How do I migrate from Obiee to the cloud?

Scenario 1: Steps to migrate from OBIEE 11g to OAC Download & Copy the Oracle Analytics Cloud migration tool JAR file to your OBIEE 11g environment. 2. Run the migration-tool. jar file in your OBIEE 11g environment.

How can I convert Obiee 11g to OAS?

Migrating using the Console

  1. Download the migration utility.
  2. Copy the migration utility JAR file to your Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g environment.
  3. Run the migration-tool.
  4. Upload your Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g bundle and restore the content on Oracle Analytics Server.

How do I open Obiee catalog offline?

  1. From Catalog Manager’s File menu, select Open Catalog.
  2. Type — Select the mode (online or offline) in which to open the catalog.
  3. Path — If you are opening the catalog in offline mode, then enter the path to the catalog folder on the local file system.

How do I open a Obiee catalog online?

Online / Offline

  1. Step1: Start -> All Programs -> click ‘Catalog Manager’ from OBIEE Client.
  2. Step2: Now Catalog Manager windows will be opened.
  3. Step3: In the next step, we will be prompted to enter catalog path, weblogic username and password to open catalog online.
  4. Step4:
  5. Step5:

What does a Catalogue manager do?

Dedicated ecommerce catalog managers can help you to set up, maintain and frequently update your product database, with the most up to date information. This can help reduce the conversion time for your products, by providing real time information regarding the products to the customers.

How to migrate obiee project from one repository to another?

Use the Copy and Paste feature of the tool to copy elements from one repository to another, like this: Check the repository consistency afterwards, and if all is OK then open the production repository online to start using the migrated objects.

Can a web catalog be migrated to two different environments?

Note also that the two Web Catalogs need to have the same user and group settings for permissions to migrate correctly across both environments. On any mature OBIEE system, there are no doubt other elements of each environment you would also wish to migrate.

Can you have more than one BI server in obiee?

When working with OBIEE, my understanding is that you can have one BI Server per physical/virtual server, which can connect to one or more repositories, though only one of them is the “default”. You also normally then set up one BI Presentation Server instance which connects through to the default repository for the corresponding BI Server.

How is the BI server web catalog stored?

Unlike the BI Server repository, the web catalog is stored in a set of XML files, one per web catalog object organized into folders, plus an ATR file per folder that contains permissions on the objects within them.

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