What is Persian poetry?

What is Persian poetry?

Poetry written in Modern Persian, an exceptionally rich and extensive literary form equal to any other world literature, came into existence in the earliest Muslim period. Its existence is documented by a few fragments from the eighth and ninth centuries.

What are the main features of Persian poetry?

On the other hand, Persian poets and writers are proven masters of vignettes, aphorisms, pithy remarks, proverbial sayings, felicitous formulations, pregnant allusions, illustrative anecdotes, and imaginative short descriptions; almost all of these techniques are exemplified in the pages of the most celebrated Persian …

Who is the greatest poet of Persian?

Ferdowsi. Ferdowsi is perhaps Iran’s most famous poet, credited for writing the Shahnameh, the national epic of the Persian speaking world and the longest work of epic poetry ever written, composed of more than 60,000 verses.

Is poetry important in Iran?

Weddings, funerals and religious services would not be complete without a poetry recitation, and much of Iran’s popular music is classical poetry set to traditional and modern instrumentals. Nearly every home has at least one dīvān (collection of poetry), placed next to the Quran to signal its significance.

What makes Persian literature unique?

Persian literature differs from the common definition of “literature” in that it is not confined to lyrical compositions, to poetry or imaginative prose, because the central elements of these appear, to greater or lesser degrees, in all the written works of the Persians.

How old is Persian?

The history of the Persian language is divided into three eras: Old Persian (ca. 525 BC- 300 BC), Middle Persian (c. 300 BC- 800 AD), and Modern Persian (800 AD to the present day).

What kind of poetry is written in Persian?

The plural form of the word, rubaiyat is used to describe a collection of such quatrains. In classical Persian poetry, the ruba’i is written as a four-line (or two-couplet) poem, with a rhyme-scheme AABA or AAAA.

Who was the first female poet in Iran?

Parvin Etesami was a Persian poet in 20th century in Iran. She is one of Iran ’s most prominent female poets who began writing poetry from a young age; her first published works appeared in the Iranian magazine Bahar in the early 1920s, when she was just a teenager. Parvin’s poems have social, humanity, learning and mystic concepts.

How does Rumi’s poem awaken the love within us?

With Rumi’s poems, we transcend our material existence and move toward joy, inner peace, and our core desire — love. As humans, we often tap into a certain feeling that makes us come alive. In the words of C.S. Lewis, “We feel a buoyancy, an alchemical quintessence, a shimmering aliveness that is both still and in motion.”

What kind of poetry is Parvin best known for?

Parvin’s poems have social, humanity, learning and mystic concepts. Her anthology is full of divine and spiritual truth, lofty concepts, advice to reason, and disdain for arrogance and unfairness, lamentation about poverty, discrimination and class distinction, and sympathy for the poor and the oppressed.

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