What was the VAT rate in 2015?

What was the VAT rate in 2015?

Value Added Tax

From 1 April 2015
Standard rate 20%
VAT fraction 1/6
Reduced rate 5%
Taxable Turnover Limits

What was the VAT rate in 2014?

VAT rate rises from 17.5% to 20%

What was the VAT rate in 2006?

From the 1st of July 2006, VAT on contraceptives reduced from 17.5% to 5%. From the 1st July 2007, VAT on smoking cessation products reduced from 17.5% to 5%. Labour Chancellor Alistair Darling reduced the standard rate of VAT of 17.5% to 15% from the 1st of December 2008.

How much is VAT on a van?

When you buy a new commercial vehicle, you will pay 20% VAT on the purchase price and in most cases this VAT can be reclaimed. This assumes of course, that the motor trader selling you the vehicle is VAT registered.

What is the rate for VAT?

VAT rates for goods and services

% of VAT What the rate applies to
Standard rate 20% Most goods and services
Reduced rate 5% Some goods and services, eg children’s car seats and home energy
Zero rate 0% Zero-rated goods and services, eg most food and children’s clothes

Is there VAT on van tax?

There are special rules for VAT on business vehicles – and the fuel used in them. You cannot normally reclaim the input tax you have to pay on a new car. VAT paid on commercial vehicles (vans, lorries or tractors, for example) can be reclaimed in full subject to the normal rules.

Is there Value Added Tax ( VAT ) in Odisha?

Odisha VAT. Value Added Tax or VAT is a tax levied on the sale and purchase of commodities in a state. In Odisha, the VAT Act was implemented in 2004. Sometimes referred to as the Odisha Value Added Sales Tax Act, the tax guidelines are based on the Central Government’s Empowered Committee. Introduced to consolidate and provide for the law,…

When did VAT rate go up to 6%?

Now, vide Notification No. VAT.1516/CR-31/Taxation-1 dated 16.09.2016, the Value Added Tax Rate for the goods falling under Schedule C is further increased from 5.50% to 6% to be effective from 17.09.2016.

Is there an increase in VAT rate in Maharashtra?

Maharashtra VAT Rate on Schedule ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’ appended to Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 has been amended vide Notification No. VAT.1516/CR-31/Taxation-1 dated 16.09.2016 to increase the tax rate with effective from 17.09.2016. The updated Schedule Entry is given below to serve as a ready reckoner:

What is the VAT rate for motor oil?

Under this schedule a VAT rate of 13.5% applies all other goods not covered by Schedules B, B (1), B (2), and C. Under this schedule a VAT rate of 20% applies foreign and country liquor, light diesel oil, motor spirit including petrol and high speed diesel, and narcotics.

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