What words start with Archy?

What words start with Archy?


  • anarchy. a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority, or absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.
  • autarchy. a system of government by one person with absolute power.
  • eparchy.
  • hierarchy.
  • matriarchy.
  • monarchy.
  • oligarchy.
  • patriarchy.

What is the example of Archy?

An example of a word you may have encountered that features -archy is matriarchy, “a family, society, community, or state governed by women.” Matri- is a form that means “mother,” from Latin māter, while the -archy portion of the word means “government.” Matriarchy literally translates to “government by mothers.”

What are some words that end in Archy?

8-letter words that end in archy

  • monarchy.
  • autarchy.
  • gynarchy.
  • triarchy.
  • thearchy.
  • nomarchy.
  • endarchy.
  • octarchy.

What are three words that have the root word arch Archy?

-arch- comes from Greek, where it has the meaning “chief; leader; ruler. ” This meaning is found in such words as: anarchy, archbishop, archdiocese, hierarchy, matriarch, monarch, monarchy, patriarch.

What does the suffix Archy mean?

-archy. a combining form meaning “rule,” “government,” forming abstract nouns usually corresponding to personal nouns ending in -arch: monarchy; oligarchy.

What does Archy mean in patriarchy?

-archy, a combining form meaning “rule,” “government,” forming abstract nouns that correspond to personal nouns ending in -arch: monarchy; oligarchy; patriarchy.

What is the root of Archy?

word-forming element meaning “rule,” from Latin -archia, from Greek -arkhia “rule,” from arkhos “leader, chief, ruler,” from arkhē “beginning, origin, first place,” verbal noun of arkhein “to be the first,” hence “to begin” and “to rule” (see archon).

What does the root Archy mean?

What does Octarchy mean?

government by eight persons
1 : a government by eight persons. 2 : a confederacy of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms considered as having eight rulers — compare heptarchy.

What does root word Arche mean?

Arche (/ˈɑːrki/; Ancient Greek: ἀρχή; sometimes also transcribed as arkhé) is a Greek word with primary senses “beginning”, “origin” or “source of action” (ἐξ ἀρχῆς: from the beginning, οr ἐξ ἀρχῆς λόγος: the original argument), and later “first principle” or “element”.

Is Arch a prefix or root?

As a prefix, arch- appears in a number of titles referring to positions of superiority, such as archduke and archbishop. Ultimately deriving (via Latin and French) from the Greek verb archein (“to begin, rule”), it can also mean “chief ” (as in archnemesis) or “extreme” (as in archconservative).

What words end with arch?

10-letter words that end in arch. cornstarch. heresiarch. wordsearch. oversearch. cimeliarch. routemarch.

What words contain arch?

19 letter words containing arch. archiacanthocephala. myeloarchitectonics. carcharodontosaurus. archaeoceratopsidae. archaeoastronomical. cytoarchitecturally.

Archy(adj) arched; as, archy brows. archy. a suffix properly meaning a rule, ruling, as in monarchy, the rule of one only.

What words have the Greek root Archy in them?

Following is alist of words based on the Arch Root Word: Archbishop: Bishop of highest rank. Arch-fiend: Chief Fiend/Satan. Archaeoastronomy: The study of ancient cultures regarding celestial objects . Arch-rival: Chief rival of a person. Arch-enemy: A person who is extremely hostile to someone or something. Anarchy: A state without a government; no ruler or rules. Architect: Chief builder.

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