Who plays Walter Nichols?

Who plays Walter Nichols?

Jonathan GoldsteinDrake & Josh
Walter Nichols/Played by

Who’s older Drake or Josh?

His full name is Joshua Michael Nichols. He is one year older than Drake Parker and Craig Ramirez.

Who plays Josh Drake’s Dad?

Jonathan Goldstein
Jonathan Goldstein (born December 4, 1964) is an American actor, director and musician, best known for his role as Walter Nichols in the Nickelodeon sitcom Drake & Josh (2004–2007).

How old is Walter Nichols?

Walter Nichols

Walter Nicholas
Age Group: 35(Unaired Pilot) 36-37(Season 1) 37-38(Season 2) 38-39(Season 3) 39-40(Season 4) 41 (Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh)
Birthday: December 15, 1967
Height: 6’1”
Eye Color: Green

What Happened to Drakes dad Drake and Josh?

Dave Parker is the ex-husband of Audrey Parker-Nichols and the biological father of Megan and Drake. Parker and Audrey got a divorce for an unknown reason and it is unknown when they got a divorce. He never makes an appearance and is never mentioned.

Who does Josh date in Drake and Josh?

Mindy Crenshaw is an intelligent and boastful girl in Drake and Josh’s school. She is at times Josh’s girlfriend. She is not fond of Drake. Mindy at one point was also a rival to Josh.

Who is Walter Nichols in Drake and Josh?

Jonathan Goldstein as Walter Nichols: Josh’s biological father, Drake’s and Megan’s stepfather Miranda Cosgrove as Megan Parker: Drake’s biological sister, Josh’s stepsister, Audrey’s biological daughter, Walter’s stepdaughter

Who is the Weatherman in Drake and Josh?

Walter and Audrey are a happy couple and almost never fight. The only episode where they have a real fight is ” The Affair “, where it was pretty much Drake’s fault. Yet, Audrey prefers Walter’s competitor, Bruce Winchill as the weatherman along with Megan. Josh is very similar to his father.

Why did Josh and Drake stay at their house?

Josh buys a bus to take Drake, his band, and their friends to their concert (Josh makes no further appearances in this episode), but Walter ‘s inaccurate weather predictions cause an incoming storm to catch them by surprise. So, everyone stays at their house as the show was canceled.

Who are the parents of Drake and Josh?

Drake’s mom Audrey Parker (Nancy Sullivan) and Josh’s dad Walter Nichols (Jonathan Goldstein) have been dating and announce to Drake, Josh and Drake’s devious little sister Megan (Miranda Cosgrove) that they are getting married.

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