What does it mean when you have two light periods in one month?

What does it mean when you have two light periods in one month?

Weight — Stress, too much exercise, and weight changes can cause two periods in one month. Taking hormonal contraception — Bleeding between periods is common during the first several months of taking hormonal contraception. If it lasts longer, make sure to contact a health care provider.

Can you have two light periods and be pregnant?

Intro. The short answer is no. Despite all of the claims out there, it isn’t possible to have a period while you’re pregnant. Rather, you might experience “spotting” during early pregnancy, which is usually light pink or dark brown in color.

Why has my period got lighter?

Body weight, exercise, and stress can all cause light periods and knowing why can be helpful. Lighter periods than normal do not usually cause concern. People often find their menstrual flow varies from month-to-month, and some months are naturally lighter than others.

Had a very light period Could I be pregnant?

Light periods may not be a sign that you have something to worry about. Even a period as short as two to three days is considered normal. If you have missed a period or experienced light spotting and think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test. Make sure to track your light periods and talk to your doctor.

Why did my period only came for 2 days?

The bottom line Bleeding for only a day or two may be a sign of pregnancy, but there are many other possible causes, too. If you’re concerned about your shorter than usual period, make an appointment to see your doctor. They can help you figure out what’s triggering the change and start treatment, if needed.

What if your period only lasts two days?

If a woman’s period only lasted 2 days, and is heavier than it normally is, it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Women should take note of the flow and color of the blood and any other symptoms they may be experiencing.

Why do periods get lighter?

The main reason periods are heavier or lighter is hormones. When you are first starting out with your period, you may or may not have high enough levels of the hormones that trigger the uterine lining to thicken up.

What is extremely light period?

A light period could be a sign of problems with hormone levels or another medical condition. Polycystic ovary syndrome and issues with reproductive organs can lead to irregular periods. Discussing symptoms with your doctor may help you determine the cause of lighter than normal periods.

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