Did Boo Berry get discontinued?

Did Boo Berry get discontinued?

The Count Chocula and Franken Berry recipes were reformulated to remove this pigment. Boo Berry, the first blueberry-flavored cereal, was released in December 1973, and Fruit Brute in 1974. Fruit Brute was discontinued by 1982 and replaced in 1988 by Fruity Yummy Mummy, which was discontinued in 1992.

When did Boo Berry cereal come out?

Monster breakfasts Count Chocula and Franken Berry were both introduced in March 1971 — the only chocolate and strawberry flavored cereals on the market. The first blueberry flavored cereal, Boo Berry, was launched in December 1972.

What was the fourth monster cereal?

Fruit Brute was the fourth monster cereal, and the first multi-flavored installment. Unfortunately, the franchise already had their big three, and the Brute was inspired by a monster that often played third wheel to Lugosi’s Dracula, and Karloff’s Frankenstein.

Do they still make Franken Berry cereal?

As part of the trio of monster cereals from General Mills, Frankenberry has been around for close to 50 years. You can still buy Frankenberry cereal in most grocery stores around halloween.

What flavor is Franken Berry?

Franken Berry: Strawberry-flavored cereal with colorful marshmallows. These red-hued shapes are the mildest of the bunch. If you are looking for something sweet but a little less intensely fruity then Franken Berry could be the right choice.

Is Boo Berry Black?

Boo Berry by General Mills, 9.6 ounces. It has dark bluish-brown, blueberry-flavored corn and blue, pink and white marshmallows.

Is Boo Berry cereal seasonal?

Inspired by horror film actor Peter Lorre, Boo Berry is a seasonal artificial blueberry flavor frosted cereal with spooky-fun marshmallows. You can still buy Boo Berry cereal in most grocery stores around halloween.

Was there a werewolf cereal?

Fruit Brute Cereal | MrBreakfast.com. This cereal was described on the box as a “fruit flavor frosted cereal + marshmallow bits.” The mascot for the cereal was a werewolf also named Fruit Brute.

What was the mummy cereal?

Yummy Mummy was a “fruit flavor frosted cereal with vanilla flavor marshmallows”. The yellow marshmallow pieces seemed to resemble the shape of a head. On some of the cereal boxes, they were referred to as “monster mallows”. The other cereal pieces were red and orange.

What color is Franken Berry?

The answer, for some kids, was easy: only one of them made going to the bathroom fun. Franken Berry got its strawberry hue from Red Dye Nos. 2 and 3, synthetic colorants that pass through the body undigested. Red No.

What is the name of the Boo Berry ghost?

When they answer the door, Boo Berry introduces himself and his “ghostly good blueberry cereal.” After some initial fright, Franken Berry and the Count kick Boo out of the house and boast about their strawberry and chocolate marshmallows respectively.

Are Boo Berry and Franken Berry the same?

For the uninitiated, Franken Berry and Boo-Berry follow the same general cereal makeup as Count Chocula. They feature puffed rice cereal in strawberry and blueberry flavors, respectively, along with colorful, fruit-flavored marshmallows.

When did Boo Berry and Fruit Brute come out?

The Count Chocula and Franken Berry recipes were reformulated to remove this pigment. Boo Berry, the first blueberry-flavored cereal, was released in December 1973, and Fruit Brute in 1974. Fruit Brute was discontinued by 1982 and replaced in 1988 by Fruity Yummy Mummy, which was discontinued in 1992.

When did the first monster cereal come out?

“The Monster Cereals debuted in 1971 with the introduction of Count Chocula and Franken Berry. Inspired by classic horror film characters, they were unlike any other cereal at the time,” the blog details.

When did the first blueberry cereal come out?

Boo Berry, the first blueberry-flavored cereal, was released in December 1973, and Fruit Brute in 1974. Fruit Brute was discontinued by 1982 and replaced in 1988 by Fruity Yummy Mummy, which was discontinued in 1992.

Who are the monsters in the cereal commercials?

In the commercials, the two monsters, Count Alfred Chocula and Franken Berry, would engage in comic bickering over which cereal was better, when something or someone else interfered in their verbal sparring and scared them out of their wits.

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