How can create multiple select dropdown with checkbox in MVC?

How can create multiple select dropdown with checkbox in MVC?

Create Controller, View and enable Multiselect plugin with dropdown. Bind the value to dropdown. Display selected value of dropdown. Create database table with the values….Proceed with the button click event in jQuery, as shown below.

  1. $(“#btnGetSkills”).click(function() {
  2. alert($(“#mySkills”). val());
  3. });

How do I select multiple options from a drop down list in a checkbox?

In order to implement a Multiple Select (MultiSelect) DropDownList with CheckBoxes we will need to make use of HTML Select DropDownList control and apply the jQuery Bootstrap Multi-Select Plugin to it. The download locations are as follows. You will need to download the plugin files from the following location.

How can we create multiple dropdown selection in MVC?

MultiSelect DropdownList Using jQuery in Asp.Net MVC and C#.Net : first we will create a new mvc application and add the a model class file in model folder. In this model class file add the below code. Now add a controller class file and add the below code.

How can I select multiple options from a drop down list in asp net?

In order to implement a Multiple Select (MultiSelect) DropDownList with CheckBoxes in ASP.Net we will need to make use of ListBox control and apply the jQuery Bootstrap Multi-Select Plugin to it. The download locations are as follows. You will need to download the plugin files from the following location.

How do I select multiple values in a checkbox?

When present, it specifies that multiple options can be selected at once. Selecting multiple options vary in different operating systems and browsers: For windows: Hold down the control (ctrl) button to select multiple options. For Mac: Hold down the command button to select multiple options.

How do I select multiple checkboxes?


  1. Press and hold the Shift key.
  2. Select the first checkbox you want to select.
  3. Select the last checkbox you want to select.
  4. Release the Shift key.

How can I display multiple checkbox values in ASP NET?

ASP checkbox list is very useful when we have multiple values that need to be listed against any one heading….The code for the second option is:

  1. lblvalues. Text = “”;
  2. string selectedItems = String. Join(“,”,
  3. chklistcolors. Items.
  4. . Select(r => r.
  5. lblvalues. Text = selectedItems;

What is multi select list box?

A multiple-selection list box is list of choices that looks like a scrollable list of check boxes instead of a typical list box. Users can select as many check boxes as necessary from the list.

What is multi select box?

HTML MultiSelect Dropdown is a textbox control that allows the user to type or select multiple values from a list of predefined options. It has several out-of-the-box features such as data binding, filtering, grouping, tagging with custom values, and checkbox mode.

How to create multiple selection dropdownlist in MVC?

In this tutorial, I am going to explain you how to implement multiple selection (MultiSelect) DropDownList with CheckBox in MVC using jQuery, Bootstrap and MultiSelect JS. First of all, we need to create model. Write click on Models folder and add a new class name as CountryModel. Replace all code with below code.

How to add multiselect to dropdown in jQuery?

Select to create multiselect dropdown. Add the script given below to enable multiselect plugin to the respective control. Finally, the View will be, as shown below. To bind the value to the dropdown, we need to get the value from the database and assign the value to the dropdown.

How to create multiple select with checkbox in MVC?

You can follow the simple steps, given below, to implement a Multiple Select DropdownList with CheckBox. I am creating a MVC Application and creating controller “Home”. In the next step, create an Action to open the view “Index”. See the example, given below- Create view name as “Index.cshtml”.

How to bootstrap multiple select in jQuery document ready?

Class applied to the ListBox will be used to select the ListBox element using jQuery. Inside the jQuery document ready event handler, the jQuery Bootstrap Multi-Select Plugin is applied to the ListBox element. When the Submit Button is clicked, the Form gets submitted and the values of the selected Fruits are sent to the Controller.

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