What is an at 101 report?

What is an at 101 report?

About SOC2 (AT101) Report. A SOC 2 report is an engagement performed under the AT section 101 and is based on the existing Trust Services Principles, Criteria and Illustrations (SysTrust and WebTrust). Now companies can obtain the correct and recognizable third party assurance report.

What types of engagements do the attestation standards cover?

THE ATTESTATION STANDARDS APPLY whenever an independent CPA has been engaged to issue, or issues, an examination report, a review report or an agreed-upon procedures report on subject matter—or an assertion about the subject matter—for which another party is responsible.

What is considered an attestation engagement?

Attestation engagement. An examination, review, or agreed-upon procedures engagement performed under the attestation standards related to subject matter or an assertion that is the responsibility of another party.

What are the three types of attestation engagements?

The following are the three types of attestation engagements:

  • Examination engagement.
  • Review engagement.
  • Agreed-upon procedures engagement.

What do you need to know about at 101?

It’s a publication put forth by the AICPA with a series of provisions, statements and explicit guidance on how to perform a particular engagement. • AT 101 is the professional standard used for issuing SOC 2 reports. • SOC 2 is part of the AICPA Service Organization Control (SOC) reporting framework.

What do you need to know about at Section 101?

AT Section 101 has become increasingly relevant for reporting on controls at service organizations due to the advent of the AICPA Service Organization Control (SOC) reporting framework, which consists of SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3 reports.

What is the purpose of the attestation standards?

To begin, “Attestation Standards” are a series of general provisions and requirements that provide overall guidance along with a broad-based framework for the accounting and auditing profession for the purposes of providing “attest” services to organizations.

What is the at 101 standard for SOC 2?

• AT 101 is the professional standard used for issuing SOC 2 reports. • SOC 2 is part of the AICPA Service Organization Control (SOC) reporting framework. • SOC 2 reports can be that of Type 1 or Type 2.

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