What can I say instead of surprised?

What can I say instead of surprised?

In this page you can discover 70 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for surprised, like: astonished, shocked, struck with amazement, startled, bewildered, astounded, amazed, flabbergasted, jolted, flustered and not anticipating.

What is a word for pleasantly surprised?

lucky coincidence; chance; godsend; pleasant surprise; stroke of unexpected luck; piece of luck; stroke of luck; bit of good luck; bit of luck; piece of good luck; cracker; windfall.

What is another name for Berserker?

1 violent, mad, maniacal, rabid, demented, lunatic.

What is the synonym of probe?

Frequently Asked Questions About probe Some common synonyms of probe are enter, penetrate, and pierce. While all these words mean “to make way into something,” probe implies penetration to investigate or explore something hidden from sight or knowledge.

What is the synonym of Captivate?

Some common synonyms of captivate are allure, attract, charm, enchant, and fascinate.

What do you say when you are amazed?

Ways of saying that you are surprised or shocked – thesaurus

  1. funnily enough. phrase.
  2. you don’t say. phrase.
  3. heavens above. phrase.
  4. Well, I never (did) phrase.
  5. is that a fact? phrase.
  6. you would not believe. phrase.
  7. of all things/people/places. phrase.
  8. now I’ve seen everything/it all. phrase.

What is the synonym for emulate?

imitate, copy, reproduce, mimic, mirror, echo, follow, model oneself on, take as a model, take as an example. match, equal, parallel, be the equal of, be on a par with, be in the same league as, come near to, come close to, approximate. compete with, contend with, rival, vie with, surpass.

What Berserker means?

berserker, Norwegian berserk, Old Norse berserkr (“bearskin”), in premedieval and medieval Norse and Germanic history and folklore, a member of unruly warrior gangs that worshipped Odin, the supreme Norse deity, and attached themselves to royal and noble courts as bodyguards and shock troops.

What is an idiom for Shocked?

If you jump out of your skin, you are extremely surprised or shocked. “Jane nearly jumped out of her skin when the horse put its head through the kitchen window!”

What does probe deeply mean?

If you probe deeper, significant differences emerge. Synonyms and related words. To ask a question or questions. ask.

Are there any antonyms for the word berserk?

Near Antonyms of berserk. calmly, collectedly, composedly, coolly (also cooly), imperturbably, peacefully, placidly, self-composedly, self-possessedly, serenely, unconcernedly. meekly, mildly, passively, tamely. methodically, orderly, systematically.

Is there such a thing as a berserker base?

The Berserkers’ bases are capable of manufacturing more and deadlier Berserkers as the need arises.

Who is the author of the Berserker series?

The Berserker series is a series of space opera science fiction short stories and novels by Fred Saberhagen, in which robotic self-replicating machines strive to destroy all life.

Who are the sentient species in the Berserker story?

The Berserker stories (published as novels and short stories) depict the fight between Berserkers and the sentient species of the Milky Way Galaxy: Homo sapiens (referred to as “Earth-descended” or “ED” humans, or as “Solarians”) is the only sentient species aggressive enough to counter Berserkers.

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