What is fucidin cream 2% used for?

What is fucidin cream 2% used for?

About fusidic acid Fusidic acid is an antibiotic. It’s used to treat bacterial infections, such as skin infections including cellulitis and impetigo, and eye infections including conjunctivitis (red, itchy eyes). Fusidic acid is only available on prescription. It comes as a cream, ointment, or eye drops.

What does fucidin do to skin?

Fucidin cream works by killing germs (bacteria) that cause infections. Fucidin cream is used to treat conditions where the skin is infected by germs (bacteria), such as: • Impetigo (a weeping, crusty and swollen patch of skin) • Infected dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) and spots • Infected cuts and grazes.

Is fucidin good for skin infection?

Fucidin cream and ointment are used to treat skin infections caused by bacteria, in particular staphylococcal bacteria. These may include the following: Impetigo. Cellulitis.

Is fucidin good for face?

Also your skin may get more sensitive to this medicine. You must not use the medicine for a long time on your face. Unless your doctor has told you to, you must not use Fucidin H cream on open wounds or sensitive areas such as the nostrils, ears, lips or genitals.

How do you know if fucidin is working?

When using Fucidin H Cream, It should take no longer than a couple of days to see a noticeable difference in the condition of your skin. If there is no improvement after a week, you may need to go back and see your doctor for further advice or alternative eczema treatment.

Does fucidin cream burn applied?

Fucidin H cream contains a mild corticosteroid with an antibiotic. Fucidin H is suitable for adults, children and babies. The most common side effects are skin irritation, itching or a burning sensation when you apply the cream.

Can I buy fucidin over the counter?

Fucidin contains the active ingredient fusidic acid, which is an antibiotic. Fucidin cream is only available on prescription, which means you cannot buy Fucidin cream over the counter in the UK. You will need a doctor or pharmacist to prescribe it for you after a medical consultation.

Where does impetigo start on the body?

In general, impetigo is a mild infection that can occur anywhere on the body. It most often affects exposed skin, such as around the nose and mouth or on the arms or legs. Symptoms include red, itchy sores that break open and leak a clear fluid or pus for a few days.

Is fucidin good for wounds?

Fucidin® Ointment is made to be put directly on skin and wounds. It treats skin and wound infections, especially those caused by Staphylococci. Fucidin® Ointment does not work against infections caused by viruses and other bacteria, which are resistant.

Is fucidin used for pimples?

Topical fusidic acid is occasionally used as a treatment for acne vulgaris. As a treatment for acne, fusidic acid is often partially effective at improving acne symptoms.

How long does fucidin cream last after opening?

In-use shelf life: 60 days. Discard the tube after 60 days of first opening the tube.

Is fucidin good for pus?

Fucidin H Cream is formulated to treat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis where the skin has become broken and infected. Broken skin is vulnerable to infection, which can make skin conditions much worse — infected skin can appear golden and crusty, or ooze with pus.

Comment appliquer la pommade sur vos boutons?

Le produit doit être appliqué 3 à 4 fois par jour, sauf indication contraire de la part de votre médecin . N’arrêtez pas le traitement jusqu’à ce que les boutons soient guéris. Appliquez la pommade sur la partie infectée en vous servant d’un coton-tige ou d’un doigt propre.

Comment se manifestent les boutons pileux?

Les boutons apparaissent lorsque les pores et les follicules pileux sont obstrués par la peau morte ou par de l’huile, formant ainsi un bouchon. Ce dernier crée un environnement favorable pour que des bactéries se développent, ce qui entraine par la suite un bouton endolori, rouge et grand.

Pourquoi l’acide fusidique n’a donc pas d’effet sur les mycoses?

L’acide fusidique est un antibactérien qui n’a donc théoriquement pas d’effet sur les mycoses

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