What are communication articles?

What are communication articles?

Short Communications are short papers that present original and significant research that needs to be published quickly. A short communication article may focus on a hot topic or may have new findings that are expected to have a significant impact on a current problem, for example, an epidemic outbreak.

What is communication research articles?

Publishes brief empirical articles on communication studies in the context of communication traits, nonverbal, and interpersonal.

What is journal of communication?

The Journal of Communication is a bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes articles and book reviews on a broad range of issues in communication theory and research. According to the Journal Citation Reports, its 2018 impact factor is 3.753.

Is Journal of Communication Scopus indexed?

The International Journal of Communication is proud to be indexed on the following indexing sources: Thompson Reuters Social Sciences Indexing to include SSCI, SCI, ISI. EBSCOhost (EBSCO) Elsevier (Scopus)

What is communication PDF?

as the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information. One can safely say that communication is the act of transferring information and messages. from one place to another and from one person to another.

How long is a communication article?

Thank you again. Actually, a short communication aims at establishing one single result, and it should be written in no more than 4 pages, while a full length article may include more than one results, and there is usually a page limit higher then 4.

How do we communicate with journals?

How to communicate with the journal editor

  1. Queries. Finding the right journal to publish your work is an important first step in a successful and efficient publication experience.
  2. Cover Letters.
  3. Response to Reviewer and Editor Comments.
  4. Phone Calls.
  5. Letters to the Editor.

What are the 6 types of communication PDF?

These are, the formal types of communication, informal types of communication, oral communication (face-to-face), oral communication (distance), written communication, non-verbal type of communication, grapevine communication, feedback communication, visual communication and active listening.

How do you write a short communication article?

Each Short Communication must have an Abstract limited to 100 words. Manuscript should be formatted without section headings in the body of the text. All the required parts (Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results and Discussion) except for the Literature must be given in single section.

Where can I find short communication articles?

Short Communications will appear at the end of the topical sections in the journal table of contents. Each paper will begin with “Short Communication:” followed by the title.

Do you have to subscribe to commag magazine?

ComMag is soliciting creative Feature Topic (FT) proposals to complement its Series and Open Call publication tracks. You must be signed in and subscribed if you’d like to download this issue.

Which is the flagship journal of the International Communication Association?

Journal of Communication is the flagship journal of the International Communication Association and an essential publication for all communication specialists and policy makers. Virtual Issues.

Which is the most important part of effective communication?

Communication Is a Process Effective communication requires paying attention to an entire process, not just the content of the message. When you are the messenger in this process, you should consider potential barriers at several stages that can keep your intended audience from receiving your message.

What’s the importance of communication in a relationship?

How we communicate directly relates to the quality of an experience or relationship. Communication operates on two levels: internal and external. Paying attention to the messages we give and receive can assist us in knowing what emotional work needs to take place to create healthy productive relationships.

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