How do I change the title of a legend in R?

How do I change the title of a legend in R?

Key ggplot2 R functions

  1. p + labs(). Change legend title.
  2. p + theme(…). Change legend theme: background color, legend box border, font size and color.
  3. p + scale_x_discrete(limits = c(“2”, “0.5”, “1”)). Change the order of the item in the legend.
  4. p + scale_fill_discrete(name = “Dose”, labels = c(“A”, “B”, “C”)).
  5. guides().

How do you make a legend smaller in Ggplot?

To change the Size of Legend, we have to add guides() and guide_legend() functions to the geom_point() function. Inside guides() function, we take parameter color, which calls guide_legend() guide function as value. Inside guide_legend() function, we take an argument called override.

How do I center a title in R?

As pointed out by @J_F, you may add theme(plot. title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) to center the title.

How do I increase legend size in R?

To change the legend size of the plot, the user needs to use the cex argument of the legend function and specify its value with the user requirement, the values of cex greater than 1 will increase the legend size in the plot and the value of cex less than 1 will decrease the size of the legend in the plot.

How do I change the color of my legend in R?

To create the legend for a plot in base R, we can use legend function and if the background color of the legends needs to be changed from white to any other then bg argument in legend function will be used. For example, to change the background color to red then we can use bg=”red”.

How do I delete a legend?

Tip: To quickly remove a legend or a legend entry from a chart, you can select it, and then press DELETE. You can also right-click the legend or a legend entry, and then click Delete.

How do you change the axis titles in R studio?

Key ggplot2 R functions

  1. p + xlab(“New X axis label”): Change the X axis label.
  2. p + ylab(“New Y axis label”): Change the Y axis label.
  3. p + labs(x = “New X axis label”, y = “New Y axis label”): Change both x and y axis labels.

How do I change the position of a title in R?

You can adjust the position of the title with the adj argument, that takes values from 0 (left-justified) to 1 (right-justified). Default value is 0.5. However, if you specify the argument adj inside your plotting function all text will be adjusted. If you only want some texts adjusted use it inside the title function.

How do I center a title in Ggplot in R?

The default ggplot title alignment is not centered. It is on the left. It’s possible to put the title in the middle of the chart by specifying the argument hjust = 0.5 in the function element_text() : p + theme(plot. title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) .

How to change the legend size in R?

In order to change the legend size in R you can make use of the cex argument. Values bigger than 1 will lead to a bigger legend and smaller to smaller legends than the default. Sometimes, the representation covers all the area of the plot.

Can you change the title of a legend?

Since legends and axes are both guides, this works the same way as setting the title of the x- or y-axis. This would have the same effect as the previous code: If there are multiple variables mapped to aesthetics with a legend (those other than x and y), you can set the title of each individually.

How to change the legend of ggplot in R?

Key R functions to change ggplot legends: p + labs (). Change legend title. p + theme (…). Change legend theme: background color, legend box border, font size and color. p + scale_x_discrete (limits = c (“2”, “0.5”, “1”)).

How to add more legends to a plot?

You can add two or more legends to a plot, just running the legend function multiple times with different arguments. In the following example we are going to add two more Bessel functions and add a new legend for them. Note that you can also add more legends outside the plot, in case the legends doesn’t fit inside the layout.

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