What is a SmartArt chart?

What is a SmartArt chart?

A SmartArt graphic is a visual representation of your information and ideas. You create one by choosing a layout that fits your message. Some layouts (such as organization charts and Venn diagrams) portray specific kinds of information, while others simply enhance the appearance of a bulleted list.

What are the 8 types of SmartArt graphics?

Layout types. The Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery displays all available layouts broken into eleven different types — All, List, Process, Cycle, Hierarchy, Relationship, Matrix, Pyramid, Picture, Office.com, and Other. (The Office.com type shows additional layouts available on Office.com.

What is the purpose of SmartArt?

SmartArt allows you to visually communicate your important ideas and information. For example, you can use SmartArt graphics to depict processes, hierarchies, relationships and so on. By using SmartArt to communicate information, you can create visually-appealing diagrams that can say so much more than words alone.

What is SmartArt?

SmartArt is a type of graphical tool included in the latest versions of Word. SmartArt is, basically, a way to make organized presentation art. (Some folks think that SmartArt was created as a tool primarily for PowerPoint.)

What is the difference between SmartArt and chart?

A SmartArt graphic is a visual representation of information and ideas, and a chart is a visual illustration of numeric values or data. Basically, SmartArt graphics are designed for text and charts are designed for numbers.

What’s SmartArt in PowerPoint?

SmartArt is a dynamic type of image that you will often see in PowerPoint slides. SmartArt can be used to group lists of information together, through bullet lists for example, or to show a process, through cycles. Once you click OK, the graphic is automatically sized into your slide, just like inserting any image.

How do I use SmartArt in Excel?

Click the Insert a SmartArt command button in the Illustrations group on the Ribbon’s Insert tab (or press Alt+NZIM1). Excel opens the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box. Select a category in the navigation pane on the left followed by the list’s or diagram’s thumbnail in the center section before you click OK.

What is SmartArt in PPT?

SmartArt is a tool in PowerPoint that allows you to create complicated charts and diagrams with a minimum amount of effort. SmartArt is “smart” in that is automatically adjusts for size as you work on the layout.

Is ClipArt the same as Smart Art?

ClipArt has the pre-made images stocked in the MS Office suite. There are many Clip Art categories, such as School, Occasions, People, Business, Animals, Cartoons and many more. Whereas, SmartArt is advanced feature to add dynamic graphics in the document.

When should you use SmartArt?

Use a SmartArt graphic if you want to do any of the following:

  1. Create an organization chart.
  2. Show hierarchy, such as a decision tree.
  3. Illustrate steps or stages in a process or workflow.
  4. Show the flow of a process, procedure, or other event.
  5. List information.
  6. Show cyclical or repetitive information.

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