Is Wado-Ryu Jujutsu?

Is Wado-Ryu Jujutsu?

“Wado is a blend of Okinawan karate and Japanese Jujutsu”. By any standards this is a remarkably short time to master the principles of Okinawan Shorin Ryu karate (later transformed into what we know as Shotokan karate).

Where does Wado-Ryu come from?

A Short History of Wado-Ryu Karate Karate spread through China, across the Ryu Kyu Islands and finally to the chain’s main land-mass, Okinawa. Wado-Ryu’s origins can actually be traced to a Chinese Monk, Chin Genpin, who is reputed to have introduced Kempo (Fist Art) into Japan in the 17th Century.

What does Wado-Ryu focus on?

Wado-ryu focuses on evading strikes. It teaches students to avoid hard contact during sparring by shifting the body and reducing the full force of an opponent’s blows.

What is the meaning of Wado Ryu?

Style of the Way to Harmony
Wado-ryu is a Karate style founded by Hironori Otsuka Sensei in 1934. Wado-ryu means Style of the Way to Harmony (or Peace). Wado (和道, Way to Peace/Harmony) is one of the most recent styles and is the natural evolution of karate, after being introduced in Japan at the beginning of last century.

How many katas are in Wado Ryu?

The Katas of Wado-Ryu Originally Wado-Ryu had 16 kata, but in 1945 the kata Suparimpei was dropped from the syllabus. After the Second World War, only 9 kata remained (up to Chinto) but in the Chojinkai association we still practice the 15 katas registered in 1945.

Which karate style is best for street fighting?

Shotokan Karate is hands-down the most popular style of Karate in the world. It comes from Tokyo and was taught by Master Gichin Funakoshi, the Okinawan who is generally recognized as the founder of modern Karate. Traditionally taught Shotokan is effective for street fighting and self-defense.

Is Wado Ryu Japanese or Okinawan?

History. The founder of Wadō-ryū, Hironori Ōtsuka, was born on 1 June 1892 in Shimodate, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. In 1898, Ōtsuka began practicing koryū jujutsu under Chojiro Ebashi.

How is Wado Ryu different?

“Wadoryu, the intellectual’s art!” Because Wadoryu isn’t predominantly a karate system, but more of an Atemi-Jujutsu system with karate techniques included within it, this puts a whole new perspective of thinking upon the practitioner. We do not promote ‘strength’, as do karate styles, but speed and evasion.

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