What does the slang stinky mean?

What does the slang stinky mean?

Informal. mean-spirited; nasty.

What is a stinky attitude?

This Greek word in the context of james 1:21 is describing a believer who has a toxic attitude. In other words, when a believer is being pessimistic, downbeat, negative, uncooperative, gloomy, cynical, or indifferent, it just flat stinks. One is not attractive when he or she are becoming carriers of a stinky attitude.

Why do they say stinking rich?

The intention was supposed to be that the wealthy occupants of the tombs would be in a position to leave their coffins should they be interred prematurely. Being open to the air, the decomposing bodies of the wealthy occupants were inclined to smell – hence the term ‘stinking rich’.

What does make a stinky mean?

Create a great fuss; complain, criticize, or otherwise make trouble about something. For example, They promised to fix the printer today; you needn’t make a stink about it, or The parents were raising a stink about the principal’s new rules. This idiom transfers an offensive odor to a public fuss.

What does stinka mean in text?

stinkanoun. Someone who is ugly or repulsive.

Is Stinky a bad word?

Frequently Asked Questions About stinking Some common synonyms of stinking are fetid, fusty, malodorous, musty, noisome, putrid, and rank. While all these words mean “bad-smelling,” stinking and fetid suggest the foul or disgusting.

What is a baditude?

Sometimes pronounced baaaditude. “A foul, angry, or rude mood; negative personality; in the workplace, baditude describes someone with serious authority issues or an apathic, disrespectful or slacker-ish attitude.”

How do I stop having an attitude with my mom?

Instead of yelling at your mom or getting upset, remove yourself from the situation and give yourself a chance to calm down.

  1. For example, you could go to your room and listen to music to help yourself relax.
  2. Avoid just walking away from your mom without saying anything because this is likely to make her angrier.

Is stinking rich an idiom?

It means that someone has become rich by unethical means. Another phrase that is synonymous with this is ‘stinking rich’. We use these expressions to disapprove of those who have become rich by corrupt means. The original idiomatic expression is ‘out of the blue’ and it means ‘unexpectedly’.

Is stink a bad word?

verb (used without object), stank [stangk] or, often, stunk [stuhngk]; stunk; stink·ing. to emit a strong offensive smell. to be offensive to honesty or propriety; to be in extremely bad repute or disfavor.

Is Stinkiest a real word?

1. A strong offensive odor; a stench. See Synonyms at stench.

What is the dictionary definition of the word Stinky?

stinky. ( ˈstɪŋkɪ) adj, stinkier or stinkiest. 1. having a foul smell. 2. informal unpleasant or disgusting. 3. informal of poor quality; contemptible. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014.

What does it mean to have Stinky Thursday?

Tsiknopempti or Stinky Thursday, which marks the beginning of the Carnival festivities, is also the beginning of the gradual weaning off meat and dairy in preparation for the 50-day lent period that leads to Easter Sunday.

Why is there a stinky smell in Mexico City?

Even worse, Mexico City has no sanitary code for building public bathrooms, leading to a stinky mess. No pot of hot oil, no deep-frying thermometer, no stinky kitchen and very little mess. It also catches quite a bit of sweat, which can make for a stinky mask if you don’t wash it promptly.

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