Which method in Actionscript we use to jump to a given frame of animation and play?

Which method in Actionscript we use to jump to a given frame of animation and play?

The MovieClip. gotoAndPlay( ) method is an alternative to the global gotoAndPlay( ) function. Use the method form to control remote movie clips or movies, specified by mc .

What is a movie clip in Adobe animate?

A MovieClip can be used as a container for an animation. MovieClips only play when you test your movie (Command+Return, Control+Enter on PC) Symbols can be nested within other symbols. Symbols can have multiple layers within their timeline. MovieClips can be created with Motion tweens or with frame-by-frame animations.

What is movie clip in animate?

Use a movie clip. A movie clip is a special kind of symbol that allows you to have animations that run regardless of where they are or how many actual frames the instance occupies.

How do you split a motion in Adobe animate?

To split a tween span into two separate spans, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Macintosh) a single frame in the span. Choose Split Motion from the span context menu. Both tween spans have same target instance. Note: You cannot split motion if more than one frame is selected.

Can you use ActionScript to play a movie clip?

While ActionScript can direct any movie clip to stop, play, or go to another point on the timeline, it cannot be used to dynamically create a timeline or add content at specific frames; this is only possible using the Flash authoring tool.

How does the movieclip class work in Flash?

>In Flash Professional, the methods for the MovieClip class provide the same functionality as actions that target movie clips. Some additional methods do not have equivalent actions in the Actions toolbox in the Actions panel in the Flash authoring tool.

How does the read only function work in movieclip?

[read-only] The current label in which the playhead is located in the timeline of the MovieClip instance. [read-only] Returns an array of FrameLabel objects from the current scene. [read-only] The current scene in which the playhead is located in the timeline of the MovieClip instance. Specifies whether the object receives doubleClick events.

What are the classes of the movieclip class?

The MovieClip class inherits from the following classes: Sprite, DisplayObjectContainer, InteractiveObject, DisplayObject, and EventDispatcher. Unlike the Sprite object, a MovieClip object has a timeline.

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