What does 73 mean in ham lingo?

What does 73 mean in ham lingo?

best regards
73 is an old telegraph code that means “best regards”. 73, as well as 88 (which means “hugs and kisses”) are part of the language of ham radio.

What does CQ mean in ham radio lingo?

I wish to contact any amateur station
CQ means, “I wish to contact any amateur station.” When answering a CQer you should zero beat the other ham’s frequency. That means setting your transmit frequency as close to theirs as possible.

What does CQ DX mean?

calling all
In amateur radio usage, a CQ call can be qualified by appending more letters, as in CQ DX (meaning “calling all stations located in a different continent to the caller”), or the ITU call sign prefix for a particular country (e.g. CQ VK for “calling Australia”).

What does RF mean in ham radio?

Radio frequency
Radio frequency (RF) is a measurement representing the oscillation rate of electromagnetic radiation spectrum, or electromagnetic radio waves, from frequencies ranging from 300 gigahertz (GHz) to as low as 9 kilohertz (kHz).

Does anyone use PSK31 anymore?

There is still a decent amount of PSK31 activity out there. I see most of it on 20 and 40M around . 070 on each band. Still good for keyboard QSOs.

What is a QSO in ham radio?

A contact is often referred to by the Q code QSO. It is often limited to just a minimal exchange of such station IDs. Stations who have made a contact are said to have worked each other. An operator may also say that he has worked a certain country.

What does CQDX stand for?

Definition. CQDX. Calling Any Distant Station (Ham Radio)

Why does 73 mean best regards?

30 is still used in the newspaper and magazine business to indicate the end of a feature, story, or column. And, of course, 73 is still used by amateur radio operators to mean “best regards”….

WIRE Preference over everything except 95
73 Best regards
88 Love and kisses
91 Superintendant’s signal
92 Deliver promptly

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