What is the meaning of Pirappu?

What is the meaning of Pirappu?

pirapu (pirapu) – Meaning in English Difficulty: Interpreted your input “pirapu” as “பிரபு”.

What does the word paniculata mean?

Paniculata means ‘with branched-racemose or cymose inflorescences’, ‘tufted’, ‘paniculate’, or ‘with panicles’. This name is in reference to the flowers of this species.

What does the word Majesties mean?

1 : sovereign power, authority, or dignity. 2 —used in addressing or referring to reigning sovereigns and their consorts Your MajestyHer Majesty’s Government. 3a : royal bearing or aspect : grandeur. b : greatness or splendor of quality or character.

What does Clenge mean?

1 : clinch sense 2. 2 : to hold fast : clutch clenched the arms of the chair. 3 : to set or close tightly clench one’s teeth clench one’s fists.

What is the spelling of UDAN Pirappu?

pronunciation (help·info)) ( transl. Sibling) is a 1993 Indian Tamil-language action drama film directed by P. Vasu.

What is the meaning of stateliness?

1 a dignified bearing or appearance befitting someone of royal status. the princess has a stateliness that will serve her well when she becomes queen.

What do you call someone who acts before they think?

impulsive Add to list Share. If someone is impulsive, it means that they act on instinct, without thinking decisions through. We might also call impulsive behavior whimsical or capricious.

What is Ischallenge?

1 : an objection to something as not being true, genuine, correct, or proper or to a person (as a juror) as not being correct, qualified, or approved. 2 : a call or dare for someone to compete in a contest or sport. 3 : a difficult task or problem Memorizing the poem was a challenge.

What does Infantility mean?

1 : of or relating to infants or infancy. 2 : suitable to or characteristic of an infant especially : very immature infantile humor.

What is the meaning of blood sister?

countable noun. A woman’s blood sister is a woman she has sworn to treat as a sister, often in a ceremony which involves mixing a small amount of their blood.

What is loftiness?

an exaggerated sense of one’s importance that shows itself in the making of excessive or unjustified claims. we were offended by the new club member’s air of loftiness.

What does trepidation US mean?

1 : a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation : apprehension trepidation about starting a new job.

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