What level do golems split into 3?

What level do golems split into 3?

Training Time of Golems

Level Damage per Second Laboratory Level Required
3 45 7
4 50 7
5 55 8
6 60 9

How much does it cost to upgrade lava hound to Level 3?

Training Time of Lava Hounds

Level Damage per Second Research Cost
2 12 35,000
3 14 60,000
4 16 120,000
5 18 190,000

What is the max level for golems in clash of clans?

Troops: Golem maximum level increased from 8 to 9.

What is the lava hound good for?

Lava Hound is a good air tank with high hitpoints, so it is best used as a shield for air troops with higher damage and less hitpoints like Minions, Mega Minion and the Inferno Dragon. The Lava Hound can also tank for the said units, then they return the favor by tanking for its pups.

What is max level Valkyrie?

The Valkyrie has the same original face design as the Archer. You can have a maximum of 37 Valkyries at one time in a complete set of fully upgraded Army Camps. This number increases to 42 if you include the 5 that can fit into a level 8 or higher Clan Castle.

Are Lava Hounds good for defense?

Much like Golems, they’re useful as an attack tank, but for air units. They protect Dragons, Minions, Healers and Balloons, much like Golems protect a group of Wizards or Witches. They can distract Air Defenses, which prevents the Air Defenses from destroying a group of Dragons, Balloons or Minions.

What is Max dragon in COC?

15 Dragons
You can have a maximum of 15 Dragons at one time in a complete set of fully upgraded Army Camps. This number increases to 17 if you include the 2 that can fit into a level 8 or higher Clan Castle.

How much health does a level 14 Golem have?

At Level 14, the Golem has the most hitpoints out of any unit in the game, with 6784 hitpoints, which is even higher than that of a Level 14 King’s Tower (in 1v1 Battles). Assuming the Golem and the King’s Tower are in the same level, the Golem’s health will always be higher.

Why is lava hound bad?

An unsupported Lava Hound is a waste of 7 elixir, but a supported Lava Hound is more dangerous than a supported golem because of its aerial nature. Lava Pups are not zappable after the update, and a simple tank for the lava pups can allow them to deal insane damage to the arena tower if not properly countered.

Can you get Lava Hounds at th9?

Once destroyed, they erupt into many smaller, weaker menaces.” Lava Hound is a Clash of Clans troop trained with Dark Elixir. He is unlocked by upgrading the Dark Barrack to level 6, which requires a Town Hall level 9….Lava Pups.

Damage per Second Damage per Attack Hitpoints
35 35 50

Which is higher lava hound or golem level?

The level 5 Lava Hound has the highest hitpoints among all troops; however, it has lower DPS per housing space (0.6) than any other troop, even lower than the level 1 Golem at 1.27 DPS per housing space.

Which is the best lava Hound in Clash of clans?

The level 3 Lava Hound has the highest hitpoints among all Troops; however, it has lower DPS per housing space (0.47) than any other Troop, even lower than the level 1 Golem at 1.27 DPS per housing space. The Lava Hound takes up the most space of any Troop in the Army Camp, along with the Golem (30 housing spaces).

How many housing spaces does a lava hound have?

The level 3 Lava Hound has the highest hitpoints among all troops; however, it has lower DPS per housing space (0.47) than any other troop, even lower than the level 1 Golem at 1.27 DPS per housing space. The Lava Hound takes up the most space of any troop in the Army Camp, along with the Golem (30 housing spaces).

How does the Golem change in Clash of clans?

The Golem undergoes significant visual changes at all levels except level 2 and 4. Initially, the Golem is a light gray shaded rock. The Golem has bright, Elixir -colored eyes with a slight glow. At level 3, the Golem’s rocky exterior changes shade to a darker gray.

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