Why is the GFR different for African American?

Why is the GFR different for African American?

This is due to higher average muscle mass and creatinine generation rate in African Americans. Clinical laboratories may not collect data on race and therefore may report GFR estimates using the equation for Caucasians. This is due to higher average muscle mass and creatinine generation rate in men.

What is the difference between eGFR African American and non African American?

An eGFR is an estimation of the approximate percentage of kidney function and there are normals for black individuals and also for non-black individuals. Black should be higher than non-black. Hence, the higher result is if you are black and the lower result is if you are non-black.

What does GFR African American 90 mean?

If there is kidney damage, such as protein in the urine, a result between 60 and 89 may mean early kidney disease. Even a GFR over 90 with protein in the urine is a sign of kidney disease. GFR must remain low for three months for kidney disease to be diagnosed.

How can I increase my non-African American GFR?

Avoid processed foods and choose fresh fruits and vegetables instead. It’s important to follow a low-salt diet. Salt should be limited especially if you have high blood pressure, protein in your urine, or swelling or difficulty breathing. Eating less than 2000 mg a day of sodium is recommended.

Why would GFR drop suddenly?

A decrease or decline in the GFR implies progression of underlying kidney disease or the occurrence of a superimposed insult to the kidneys. This is most commonly due to problems such as dehydration and volume loss. An improvement in the GFR may indicate that the kidneys are recovering some of their function.

What is the GFR value for an African American?

GFR = 186 x (Stand. SCr)-1.154x (age)-0.203x (0.742 if female) x (1.210 if African American) Assume an American white and an African American have the same serum creatinine level, are at the same age and weight, if the American white gets a GFR value 65 mL/min/1.73㎡, the African American gets a GFR value 78.65 mL/min/1.73㎡.

Why is EGFR not used for African Americans?

It was thought the reason why was due to differences in muscle mass, diet, and the way the kidneys eliminate creatinine. Since a patient’s race is not always used when laboratory tests are ordered, laboratories used different eGFR calculations for African American and non-African American and included both numbers in their lab results.

What’s the normal GFR rate for glomerular filtration?

GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) Regional Medical Laboratory – Reference range for GFR African American and non-African American. Normal GFR: >60 mL/Min. Moderately decreased GFR: 30-59 mL/Min. Severely decreased GFR: 15-29 mL/Min.

Why do laboratories report GFR instead of EGFR?

To get around this, laboratories use mathematical equations to estimate the glomerular filtration rate instead of measuring it. This is why laboratories report estimated GFR or eGFR.

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