What does taken in vain mean?

What does taken in vain mean?

Verb. 1. take in vain – use a name, such as God, without proper respect. abuse, misuse, pervert – change the inherent purpose or function of something; “Don’t abuse the system”; “The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers” Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection.

What does vain words mean?

1 : having or showing undue or excessive pride in one’s appearance or achievements : conceited. 2 : marked by futility or ineffectualness : unsuccessful, useless vain efforts to escape.

What is an example of being vain?

The definition of vain is someone or something without value, without force or who is conceited. An example of vain is a promise that someone doesn’t intend to keep. An example of vain is an attempt to prune a bush only to have it removed the following day.

What is saying God’s name in vain?

It is a prohibition of blasphemy, specifically, the misuse or “taking in vain” of the name of the God of Israel, or using His name to commit evil, or to pretend to serve in His name while failing to do so.

Is OMG using God’s name in vain?

“If you say something like ‘Oh my God,’ then you’re using His name in vain, but if you’re saying something like OMG it’s not really using the Lord’s name in vain because you’re not saying ‘Oh my God. Words like gosh and golly, both dating back to the 1700s, served as euphemisms for God.

What is an example of taking the Lord’s name in vain?

Matthew Henry described five categories of actions that constitute taking God’s name in vain: 1) hypocrisy – making a profession of God’s name, but not living up to that profession; 2) covenant breaking – if one makes promises to God yet does not carry out the promised actions; 3) rash swearing; 4) false swearing; and …

What does the word vain mean in the Bible?

The word vain (as it’s rendered in the ESV) can mean “empty,” “nothing,” “worthless,” or “to no good purpose.” We are forbidden, therefore, from taking the name of God (or taking up the name or bearing the name, as the phrase could be translated) in a manner that is wicked, worthless, or for wrong purposes.

What does it mean when someone says their death was in vain?

If you say that something such as someone’s death, suffering, or effort was in vain, you mean that it was useless because it did not achieve anything. He wants the world to know his son did not die in vain. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.

Is it true that Miles will not have died in vain?

But so far their attempts have been in vain. Miles will not have died in vain. Politicians love to try to define their opponents and the attempt is always in vain. When they finally realise such efforts are in vain they fulfil them by rote through gritted teeth.

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