What is q Exactive?

What is q Exactive?

The Q Exactive™ Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer from Thermo Scientific is an LC-MS/MS system combining quadrupole precursor ion selection with high-resolution, accurate-mass Orbitrap detection.

What is LC MS analysis?

Liquid Chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) is a powerful analytical technique that combines the separating power of liquid chromatography with the highly sensitive and selective mass analysis capability of triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.

What is a Flatapole?

The injection flatapole, a square array of flat metal electrodes, acts as an ion focusing device. The bent flatapole which transmits ions through a 90° arc from the injection flatapole to the quadrupole removes the neutral gas jet and solvent droplets.

What is the use of orbitrap?

Orbitrap-based mass spectrometers are used in proteomics and are also used in life science mass spectrometry such as metabolism, metabolomics, environmental, food and safety analysis.

What does LtQ stand for?


Acronym Definition
LtQ Leadership Through Quality
LtQ Local Teacher Quality
LtQ Leadership Trait Questionnaire
LtQ Long Term Queue (computer processing)

What is the use of Orbitrap?

Is the Thermo Scientific mass spectrometer powered by Orbitrap?

Welcome to the Thermo Scientific™ Exactive™ Series system! Exactive Series systems are members of the Thermo Scientific family of mass spectrometer (MS) detectors that are powered by Orbitrap™ technology.

How does Thermo Fisher Scientific Orbitrap system work?

Orbitrap systems connect to liquid chromatography equipment to enhance separation of unknown compounds and enable high-throughput workflows. Thermo Scientific offers a wide portfolio of Orbitrap-based MS systems, including systems combined with ion traps and quadrupole mass filters, to address all your analysis needs.

How does Orbitrap work in liquid chromatography?

Orbitrap systems connect to liquid chromatography equipment to enhance separation of unknown and known compounds and enable high-throughput workflows. Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a wide portfolio of Orbitrap-based MS systems, including systems combined with ion traps and quadrupole mass filters, to address all your analysis needs.

What kind of mass analyzer does Orbitrap use?

Orbitrap mass analyzer: The Orbitrap mass analyzer offers unprecedented high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) analysis of ions as a function of their rotational frequencies; these data are converted to mass spectra using fast Fourier transforms (FFTs).

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