Which is the correct spelling Hochwohlgeboren or Hochgeboren?

Which is the correct spelling Hochwohlgeboren or Hochgeboren?

Similarly the style (Euer) Wohlgeboren ( Ваше благородие) was applied to officials in the 9th to 14th grades, while (Euer) Hochgeboren ( Ваше высокородие) was enjoyed by officials in the 5th grade. As such the honorific address was also implied by membership in some grades of the Russian dynastic orders of chivalry .

Which is an honorific title lower than Hochwohlgeboren?

Another honorific title was (Euer) Wohlgeboren which ranked lower than Hochwohlgeboren and was claimed by Bourgeois notables. In the 19th century it became customary to address academic and other civil honoraries by this title, e.g., a number of letters to Sigmund Freud are addressed to ” Hochwohlgeboren Prof. Dr. Sigmund Freud”.

When to use hogvalboren or hoogwelgeboren?

In Sweden Högvälboren (High Well-born) is used to address barons and counts, Välboren (Well-born) is used to address untitled nobles. In The Netherlands Hoogwelgeboren (High Well-born) is used to address a Baron, a Knight or a Jonkheer. Hooggeboren (High-born) is used to address Dukes, Margraves, Counts or Viscounts .

Where does the term Hooggeboren come from?

Hooggeboren (High-born) is used to address Dukes, Margraves, Counts or Viscounts . In Imperial Russia, civil, military and court officials in the 6th to 8th grades according to the Table of Ranks were addressed with a style similar in meaning ( Ваше высокоблагородие ).

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