How do I fill an object with the background in Photoshop?

How do I fill an object with the background in Photoshop?

Fill a selection or layer with color

  1. Choose a foreground or background color.
  2. Select the area you want to fill.
  3. Choose Edit > Fill to fill the selection or layer.
  4. In the Fill dialog box, choose one of the following options for Use, or select a custom pattern:
  5. Specify the blending mode and opacity for the paint.

Does Photoshop CS5 have content aware fill?

Photoshop CS5 now gives us a Content-Aware option in the Fill dialog box. Photoshop CS5 did an outstanding job of removing it and filling the area with image detail as if the post had never been there, and all I had to do was draw a selection around it and choose Content-Aware from the Fill dialog box.

Why can’t I use fill in Photoshop?

If you don’t have the option to use content aware fill, check the layer you’re working on. Make sure the layer is not locked, and is not an adjustment layer or a smart object. Also check that you have a selection active on which to apply the content aware fill.

How do I unlock my background layer?

To convert the background to a new layer that isn’t locked:

  1. Select Layer > New > Layer from Background.
  2. Give the layer a name and select OK.
  3. The new, unlocked layer will replace the background layer in the palette.

How do I fill a shape with a photo in Photoshop?

Fill a Shape with a Photo in Photoshop 2021

  1. Step 1: Create a new document.
  2. Step 2: Select the Custom Shape Tool.
  3. Step 3: Set the Tool Mode to Shape.
  4. Step 4: Set the shape color to black.
  5. Step 5: Open the Shapes panel.
  6. Step 6: Load more custom shapes.
  7. Step 7: Select a shape.
  8. Step 8: Drag and drop the shape into the document.

How do I make a solid background in Photoshop?

How to Fill a Selection with a Solid Color in Photoshop CS6

  1. Create your selection on a layer.
  2. Select a fill color as the foreground or background color. Choose Window→Color.
  3. Choose Edit→Fill. The Fill dialog box appears.
  4. Click OK. The color that you choose fills the selection.

Where is content aware fill in Photoshop cs5?

Make sure that the Content Aware option is selected from the “Use” pull down menu. Click OK. Other ways to open this window are: Edit > Fill… , Shift+F5, and if you are working on a background layer pressing the Delete key will open the fill dialogue directly.

Why does Photoshop not have content aware fill?

Why can’t I content aware fill?

How do you fill a background in Photoshop?

Begin by opening the image with the background layer that you want to fill. If the Layers panel is not visible at the right side of the window, press the F7 key on your keyboard to display it. Step 2. Click the Background Layer from the Layers panel. Step 3: Click Select at the top of then window, then click the All option.

What should the background be in Photoshop CS5?

Most default Photoshop CS5 images will have a white background. Maybe you have made some changes to your default settings to use a different default color, or even a transparent background, but it is likely that you will eventually need a different color background.

How do you extend the background of a photo in Photoshop?

If you need to extend a photo by adding more sky, clouds, grass, snow or other organic “background”, here’s the easy way, using Photoshop CS5 or later: 1. Choose Image > Canvas Size. Increase the width or height of your image, choose the anchor, set the Canvas extension color to White, and click OK.

What’s the best way to fill content in Photoshop?

Use the Sampling Brush Tool to add to the sampling area. Select this option to sample source pixels from all the visible layers in your document. Allows contrast and brightness to adapt for a better match. This setting is useful for filling content with gradual color or texture changes.

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