What are the coordinates of Kenya?

What are the coordinates of Kenya?

0.0236° S, 37.9062° E

What are the coordinates for Nairobi Kenya?

1.2921° S, 36.8219° E

What is the latitude and longitude of Mombasa?

4.0435° S, 39.6682° E

What is the longitude of Kenya E and E?

Finding Kenya on a Map: Latitude and Longitude Kenya has a latitude of 0.0236° S, and longitude of 37.9062° E. The GPS coordinates of Kenya show that the country is bisected by the equator.

What is the coordinates of Bujumbura Burundi?

3.3614° S, 29.3599° E

What is Kenya relative location?

Bisected horizontally by the Equator and vertically by longitude 38° E, Kenya is bordered to the north by South Sudan and Ethiopia, to the east by Somalia and the Indian Ocean, to the south by Tanzania, and to the west by Lake Victoria and Uganda.

What is the coordinates of Beijing?

39.9042° N, 116.4074° E

What is the relative location of Mombasa?

It is situated on a coralline island along the Indian Ocean and on the east coast of Kenya….Mombasa, Kenya Lat Long Coordinates Info.

Country Kenya
Latitude -4.043740
Longitude 39.658871
DMS Lat 4° 2′ 37.4640” S
DMS Long 39° 39′ 31.9356” E

What is the latitude of Tehran Iran?

35.6892° N, 51.3890° E

How many square kilometers is Kenya?

580,367 km²
km) in Kenya was reported at 569140 sq. Km in 2018, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources.

What are the coordinates of Indonesia?

0.7893° S, 113.9213° E

What are the coordinates Cairo Egypt?

30.0444° N, 31.2357° E

What are the coordinates of all cities in Kenya?

Geographic coordinates – Cities of Kenya. City. Coordinates. Nairobi. -1.28333, 36.81667. Mombasa. -4.05466, 39.66359. Nakuru. -0.30719, 36.07225.

Which is the second largest city in Kenya?

The following is a list of the most populous cities, municipalities and towns of Kenya. In Kenya there are only three incorporated cities including the capital and largest city, Nairobi, the second largest and the coastal city of Mombasa, and the third largest and inland port city of Kisumu.

How many cities and towns are there in Kenya?

In Kenya there are only three incorporated cities but there are numerous municipalities and towns with significant urban populations. Two of the cities, Nairobi and Mombasa are cities whose county borders run the same as their city limits, so in a way they could be thought of as City-Counties. Nairobi Metro Within Kenya.

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