How much is a taxi from Stavanger airport to city Centre?

How much is a taxi from Stavanger airport to city Centre?

Taxi rates to and from Stavanger Airport A taxi trip from the airport to the city center of Stavanger is around 450 Norwegian kroner (45 euros). Please be aware that costs are higher in the evening, at night and during the weekends.

How to order Taxi in Stavanger?

For booking: Stavanger taxi: Phone (+47) 51 90 90 90. Sandnes Taxi: Phone (+47) 51 66 16 00. Sola Taxi: Phone (+47) 51 65 04 44. Randaberg Taxi: Phone 05 141.

How do I get from Stavanger airport to the city Centre?

You can quickly reach the centre of Stavanger, thanks to the Airport Express Coach of Flybussen. Every 15 to 20 minutes a bus runs to and from Stavanger Airport. The most centrally located bus stops in the city are named Radisson Atlantic Hotel and Byterminalen, lane 2 (next to the main railway station).

Is there Uber in Stavanger?

There is no Uber in Stavanger. We have a great public transport system with the public busses. If you stay in downtown Stavanger there is no need for Uber as the town center is compact and easy walkable.

Is Stavanger safe?

Stavanger is a very safe city. The local police force is efficient and has a strong presence in the downtown area at weekends. Be cautioned of drunk people in the late night. Also, be careful when catching a taxi.

Is there Uber in Stavanger Norway?

How do I get from Stavanger to the airport?

How to get from Stavanger Airport to Stavanger

  1. Airport shuttle bus. Directly at the airport you can catch a shuttle bus Flybussen (Airport express coach) departing to Stavanger.
  2. Local bus.
  3. Taxi Service.
  4. Transfer.
  5. Renting a car at Stavanger Airport.
  6. Renting a bus at Stavanger Airport.

Does Bergen Norway have Uber?

Still true – no Uber in Norway. If arriving at the airport note that the local train is quicker and much cheaper than taxis. Some taxis operate with a fixed charge from/to the airport – around NOK 800 in daytime, more in evenings and weekends.

Is Uber in Norway?

Uber in Norway Uber Black, Lux and UberXXL have been available in Norway since 2014. Customers can order all ride types, pick a destination, know the price upfront and pay through a single, user-friendly app.

Is Stavanger worth visiting?

Stavanger really has it all – a beautiful old town with lots of history and cozy atmosphere, quirky museums (that prove that museums can be fun for all), and stunning nature with jaw-dropping landscapes within such an easy reach from town…

Can you see the northern lights in Stavanger?

Stavanger is as far south as Scotland, so no northern lights likely there.

Is Uber available in Norway?

How much does it cost to take a taxi to Stavanger?

A taxi trip from the airport to the city center of Stavanger is around 450 Norwegian kroner (45 euros). Please be aware that costs are higher in the evening, at night and during the weekends.

How to get to Stavanger from SVG airport?

You can reach Stavanger City Center by taxi from the SVG Airport within a 15-20-minutes’ drive, as the airport is located approximately 6.9 miles/11 km southwest of Stavanger, in the municipality of Sola. Passengers can also find taxis accessible by wheelchairs. However, please make sure to make a former request for this service.

Are there taxis at the port of Seattle?

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport offers both Flat Rate Taxis and Metered Taxis. Taxis are stationed on the 3rd floor of the parking garage on the north and south curb.

Where can I find metered taxi in Seattle?

Metered Taxi fares are calculated by mileage or time and are provided by E-Cab at Sea-Tac Airport. They are all black taxis and can be found on the 3rd floor of the parking garage.

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