How do you fix scratches in conversion varnish?

How do you fix scratches in conversion varnish?

Try sanding some of the scratches with #600 wet/dry paper lubricated with soapy water. Wipe off the sanding mud, then rub with a piece of damp cheesecloth and some 3M medium grit compound, wipe off, then rub with 3M Finesse or similar high gloss compound and cheesecloth.

Can you polish conversion varnish?

Buffing: Can be done after the finish has cured using wet/dry auto- motive sandpaper. Use GF Finishing Wax or mineral spirits as lubricant. Do NOT use water.

Can you touch up conversion varnish?

Yes, when you can re-coat the whole surface after the repair is made with compatible and equal material, you have a good repair. When a lacquer or even a pre-cat is used in the repairs, it changes the whole integrity of the repair and the finish, and then it becomes a cosmetic repair.

What does conversion varnish do?

Conversion Varnish is a chemical-cured, fast-drying finish that consists of 2 parts: the finish and an acid catalyst that’s added just before spraying. The catalyst creates a chemical reaction (cross-linking) in conjunction with added heat-curing that creates the hardest, most durable finish available on the market.

How long does it take for conversion varnish to dry?


Basic Features
Dry Time – Touch 30+ min.
Dry Time – Recoat 2+ hr
Dry Time – Light Use 72 hr
Dry Time – Cure 7 days

Is conversion varnish a paint?

Conversion varnish is the premium paint finish for all sorts of projects, including cabinetry and cabinet doors. This post Catalyzed conversion varnish offers a number of benefits on your cabinet doors.

Is conversion varnish better than lacquer?

Conversion varnish is more durable and slightly more elastic than a lacquer. This elasticity is an advantage for wood joint expansion. Conversion Varnish is more expensive than lacquer; the material costs are higher by 30%-50%, which is substantial for larger projects.

How do you touch up old wood trim?

Trim Repair: How to Fix and Revive Trim

  1. Step 1: Start with a thorough cleaning. Photo 1: Remove old paint spots.
  2. Step 2: Scrape and sand badly damaged areas. Photo 2: Scrape eroded areas.
  3. Step 3: Roughen the finish and fill small holes.
  4. Step 4: Apply stain to hide dings and scratches.
  5. Step 5: Apply the fresh finish.

Do you have to sand between coats of conversion varnish?

You MUST sand between coats, 320 will likely be fine for this. Don’t sand the raw wood more then 150 grit, or again you will have problems down the line. Getting the catalyst ratio is critical +/- 2%.

How do you touch up varnish?

First, clean the spot with a recommended solvent, lightly sand with 100-grit (moving up to 320-grit), feathering at the edges. After another pass with solvent and a tack rag, apply varnish and repeat until the thickness matches surrounding areas.

Is it possible to touch up conversion varnish?

In any case you can’t touch up conversion varnish. You can level a scratch with more of the varnish but to not have a spot show you have to scuff sand the entire top and recoat the entire top. “Varnish” and “Conversion Varnish” are 2 different animals……..

What kind of varnish do you use for conversion?

Conversion varnish is chemically cured and fast-drying, and consists of 40-60% solids. However, it must be applied by a professional to ensure the correct ratio of chemicals and solids is used so that it hardens correctly.

What kind of varnish to use on kitchen cabinets?

Conversion varnish, also called catalyzed varnish, is the most protective and durable finish commonly available to amateurs and small shops. In industry it is often used on office furniture and kitchen cabinets.

Can you use conversion varnish over vinyl sealer?

As a result, if you’re doing any pore filling or glazing with slow-drying products, you may want to do these over a vinyl sealer and with vinyl washcoats between steps so you don’t exceed this window. Other sealers or finishes may cause wrinkling or cracking if you apply conversion varnish over them.

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