What are the three main labour laws?

What are the three main labour laws?

South Africa has three main labour laws, namely the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, the Labour Relations Act, and the Employment Equity Act.

What are the fundamental rights of employees?

NB. I will elaborate each right as we go….Labour Aspects(zimbabwe)

  • The right to membership to Trade Unions or a Workers Committee.
  • The right to prohibition of forced labour.
  • The right to protection against discrimination.
  • The right to fair labour standards.
  • The right to democracy at workplace.

What is the purpose of Labour act?

The Labour law acts as a tool to promote worker empowerment as well as worker protection. It regulates individual and collective employment relations. Other relevant legislation includes Constitutional law, the civil code, the criminal code as well as the supranational ILO Conventions.

What are workers rights in Zimbabwe?

AN ACT to declare and define the fundamental rights of employees; to define unfair labour practices; to regulate conditions of employment and other related matters; to provide for the control of wages and salaries; to provide for the appointment and functions of workers committees; to provide for the formation.

What are basic labour rights?

These categories are: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of forced or compulsory labour, the abolition of child labour and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

How is overtime calculated in Namibia?

How do you calculate overtime? Overtime pay is calculated: Hourly pay rate x 1.5 x overtime hours worked. Here is an example of total pay for an employee who worked 42 hours in a workweek: Regular pay rate x 40 hours = Regular pay, plus. Regular pay rate x 1.5 x 2 hours = Overtime pay, equals.

What is Section 77 of the LRA?

Section 77 of the Labour Relations Act seeks to protect protest action to promote or defend socio-economic interests of workers after giving disputing parties an opportunity to find a resolution through a NEDLAC process.

What does labour law say about leave days?

Annual leave entitlement The entitlement is 21 consecutive days annual leave on full remuneration, in respect of each annual leave cycle, and if an employee works a five-day week then this is equal to 15 working days, or if the employee works a six-day week then it is equal to 18 working days.

How many types of labour law are there?

There are two broad categories of labour law. First, collective labour law relates to the tripartite relationship between employee, employer and union. Second, individual labour law concerns employees’ rights at work and through the contract for work.

What are the rights of a Labour?

The main elements of the right to work are access to employment, freedom from forced labour and labour security. Other important components are: The right to employment; the right not to be arbitrarily dismissed and the right to protection against unemployment.

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