What direction do headstones face?

What direction do headstones face?

(See example in accompanying illustration.) But in most cemeteries, headstones face east, which puts husbands to the left of their wives. “To make matters even more confusing,” Delp adds, “many cemeteries have stones facing both ways.

Is the body in front or behind the headstone?

Traditionally in the USA, when a body is buried in a cemetery, a headstone is placed at the head of the grave to identify the person who is buried there. The headstone usually states a person’s name, their date of birth and death; occasionally some personal information, a prayer or a photograph.

Why do some graves face north?

Rayne. A commonly accepted explanation for the north-south cemetery is that the graves were mislaid after the move, and by the time the mistake was discovered too many people had already been reburied, so it was left that way.

Are headstones placed at the head or feet?

As implied by the name, a headstone is usually placed at the head of a grave to both identify and memorialize a person. This approach has roots in Christian tradition, where a marker would be set with the head of the deceased to the west while their feet pointed east.

Which side is the wife buried on?

Typically, the husband is buried on the left, whereas the wife should be on the right, as you’re standing at their feet. The position isn’t ordinary, and it’s the same that couples have while they’re getting married. In some cemeteries, the tradition hasn’t disappeared, and it’s the most common for couples.

Is the living urn a biodegradable burial pod?

The patented Living Urn® is the leading tree urn (or burial pod) and the BioUrn® itself is made from 100% biodegradable materials that are all natural. Even the packaging of our cremation tree kit is made from bamboo which is a sustainable resource and an excellent choice as an eco friendly building or packaging material.

Where does the body go in the grave?

The tradition of placing the casket/shroud covered body in the grave with the head to the west is common, and people know about it. At the same time, the feet are to the east. The body would be placed face up.

What’s the best way to bury a body facing east?

The body was placed face up. When it was not practical to use the west-east position for the grave, a north-south positioning was the next best option. There the body would then be laid on its side, head to the north and facing east.

Why do we bury the dead facing east?

Then there is Matthew 24:27 (NKJ): “For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be …” thus for the Christian believer in the resurrection of the dead, placing the body facing east will allow the dead to see the Second Coming of Jesus.

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