Can you search for someone on Tumblr?

Can you search for someone on Tumblr?

Tap the box that says “Search Tumblr” at the top and type your desired search term. This term can be as specific as the person’s blog URL or title, or as vague as a simple subject. You can also search for an email address — if that email address is the same one they used to create their account.

How do I find someone on Tumblr without their username?

Enter an email address on Tumblr’s Following page, and it displays any blogs associated with that address. You can connect to someone even if you do not know the name of the person’s blog or the person’s username, as long as you have a Tumblr account.

Can you search Tumblr without an account?

Browsing Without an Account You don’t need a Tumblr account to browse the site, even though visiting the home page displays only a login prompt. If you know someone’s blog address at Tumblr, you can visit it directly to read their posts.

How do you search on Tumblr?

You can now search Tumblr for full text in addition to tags

  1. You can do it from your dashboard. Click a blog’s name or avatar to open it up, then click the magnifying glass at the top of the blog.
  2. You can filter and sort the results. Click the abacus-looking thing for all your favorite filters.
  3. It’s full text.

How do you search by date on Tumblr?

Search For Posts On A Specific Date You can actually just find out what posts are posted on a specific date. You can do this by typing http://[username][year]/[month]/[day] .

How do you search on Tumblr app?

How do I access someone’s blog?

How to Find a Blog by a Certain Person

  1. Open up your web browser and type in the URL of a person’s blog if you know it; this should automatically take you to the blog.
  2. Type in the person’s name and “+ blog” in Google’s search engine.
  3. Use a blog search engine to locate a person’s blog if you cannot find it with Google.

How do you browse on Tumblr?

To find blogs, click the Explore icon in the top right corner of the site. Tumblr offers suggestions based on what you’re already following and lists the blogs that are currently trending. You can use the search bar to find specific content.

How do you search by year on Tumblr?

Search For Posts On A Specific Date You can do this by typing http://[username][year]/[month]/[day] .

How do you view someone’s likes on Tumblr?

You can see the liked posts of any Tumblr user with this feature enabled by visiting the following URL, replacing “username” with the user’s Tumblr username:

How do you Google search on Tumblr?

Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel.

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