How much does it cost to travel from Brisbane to Cairns by train?

How much does it cost to travel from Brisbane to Cairns by train?

The best way to get from Brisbane to Cairns without a car is to train which takes 24h 45m and costs $170 – $370.

How long does it take from Brisbane to Cairns by train?

Spirit of Queensland

Route: Brisbane to Cairns Network Map: Train Stations
Distance: 1681 kms Timetable Departs Brisbane: Mon, Tue, Wed Fri & Sat at 3.45pm
Duration: 25 hrs Timetable Departs Cairns: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri & Sun at 8.35am

Do old age pensioners get free train travel?

Pensioners-only free train travel If you are a NSW pensioner, you can use your four free one-way travel entitlements on NSW TrainLink Economy services within NSW without paying a booking fee. A 15% booking fee (min. $10) applies if you upgrade to First Class.

How long is the train from Brisbane to Cairns?

The Spirit of Queensland The Spirit of Queensland is a modern tilt train that runs the length of the Queensland coast between Brisbane and Cairns. The train makes the 1681km journey five times per week. The Spirit of Queensland has a maximum speed of 160km/h and the entire trip takes 24 hours.

How often does spirit of Queensland travel to Cairns?

Travelling between Brisbane and Cairns five times a week, the Spirit of Queensland redefines the modern rail travel experience with a comfortable and convenient way to access spectacular holiday destinations such as the Great Barrier Reef, the Whitsundays, Townsville and Cairns and everywhere in between.

Are there any campsites between Cairns and Brisbane?

While there are plenty of accommodation options along the road between Cairns to Brisbane, you will also find that there are plenty of free and cheap camping options too, which can add a new element to your road trip.

Where to eat on a road trip from Brisbane to Cairns?

WHERE TO EAT: Fish and Chips on one of the many stunning beaches in the area. The best place to see humpback whales on a road trip between Brisbane and Cairns is in Hervey Bay, which is only about a 3.5-hour drive from Brisbane.

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