How big will a Bala shark get?

How big will a Bala shark get?

Appearance and anatomy These fish have a silver body with black margins on their dorsal, caudal, anal, and pelvic fins. They have big eyes to find and catch their prey. The bala shark will grow to a maximum length of 35 cm (14 in).

Are Bala sharks actually sharks?

These Southeast Asian fish are not true sharks, but their shark-like appearance and size make them quite an intriguing pet. Due to their peaceful nature, juvenile bala sharks do well in a community aquarium.

Can 2 bala sharks live together?

Keeping Bala Sharks Together Bala Shark can be kept together as long as there is enough space for them to swim around. It is recommended that you keep at least 4 of them together. That will significantly decrease aggressive behavior.

Can you keep one Bala shark?

Bala Shark Tank Size Adult Bala sharks can reach lengths of 12 inches (30 centimeters) or more. So they easily can grow into enormous tank busters. Plus, you shouldn’t keep just one Bala shark in a tank, they need to be in a school of five or more.

Will bala sharks eat guppies?

Even large, peaceful fish like bala sharks will eat smaller fish. Their size also necessitates a huge aquarium of at least 200 gallons for them to truly thrive.

What fish can I put with bala sharks?

They are relatively peaceful fish and can be kept together with other peaceful large fish. Other bala sharks, Corydoras, rainbowfish, gourami, rasbora, char (Salvelinus), tetra, minor tetra would make good tank mates.

Can angelfish live with bala sharks?

The ideal tank mates for this species should be large enough they can’t be food, but peaceful enough that they won’t be attack or intimidate your Bala sharks. Therefore, here are my best bala shark tank mates and who to avoid. 5. Angelfish (Pterophyllum sp.)

Is Bala bangles successful?

In 2019, Bala hit $2 million in sales, thanks to pick up from stores and sites like Free People, Goop and Bandier. By the end of 2020, Bala grew by 10x, wrapping the year with $20 million in revenue.

How big do bala sharks usually get?

When you first see bala sharks in fish shops, they will be at around two inches in length. A full grown bala shark usually reaches 14 inches in length but can grow up to 25 inches in captivity.

What is the average lifespan a bala shark?

Bala Shark Lifespan. If kept in good water conditions and fed a high-quality diet, these fish can live a long time. The average lifespan for an aquarium Silver Bala is 10 years. Appearance. Silver Balas are striking fish for many reasons. They tend to be 3 to 4 inches when purchased from aquarium stores, but they will grow to an adult size of

Is a bala shark really a shark?

The bala shark, Balantiocheilos melanopterus, also known as the tricolor shark, tricolor sharkminnow, silver shark, or shark minnow, is a fish species of the family Cyprinidae, and is one of the two species in the genus Balantiocheilos. This species is not a true shark, but is commonly so called because…

What are some good bala shark names?

In their native habitats, Bala Sharks are also known by other names that include Tricolor Shark, Silver Bala, Silver Shark and Tri Color Minnows due to their unique colors and markings. Today, Bala Sharks are considered an endangered species of fish and are thought to have become rare or extinct in many of their original freshwater habitats.

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