How do you infuse Earl Grey?

How do you infuse Earl Grey?

Add gin, simple syrup, freshly squeezed lemon juice to a glass and stir together. Add 3 large chunks of ice. Pour over soda water and sprinkle with rose petal garnish. Enjoy!

What goes well with Earl Grey?

While full-bodied black tea can be as bold (and overwhelming) as a cup of coffee, the citrusy flavor of Earl Grey is delicate and approachable. Made with cold-pressed essential oil from bergamot oranges, it has a bright taste that pairs just as well with a wedge of lemon or a splash of milk.

Why does Earl Grey taste different?

Earl Grey tea is a tea blend which has been flavoured with oil of bergamot. The rind’s fragrant oil is added to black tea to give Earl Grey its unique taste. However, tea companies have since begun to offer Earl Grey made from stronger teas such as Ceylons, which are better suited to the addition of milk or cream.

How do you make perfect Earl Grey tea?

How to Brew Earl Grey Properly

  1. STEP 1: Boil cold water.
  2. STEP 2: Warm up teapot.
  3. STEP 3: Put the tea into a teapot and add hot water.
  4. STEP 4: Cover teapot and steep for 3-5 minutes.
  5. STEP 5: Strain tea leaves and pour the tea into a teacup.

Is Earl Grey better with milk?

Americans typically drink their Earl Grey with milk and sugar, but Chatterton says he prefers the British way—with lemon and sugar. “Milk has a tendency to do strange things to black tea,” he says. “It dulls the flavor a bit.

Does Earl Grey go with vanilla?

I really enjoyed the depth of flavour in this tea. The vanilla complemented the earl grey flavour, and did not over power it. I enjoyed it with a bit of milk and sugar.

Does Earl Grey taste good with milk?

Can I put milk in Earl Grey tea?

If you want to try Earl Grey like the Brits with a bit of milk, here’s the best way to go about it so the milk won’t curdle in the hot tea! Then add the milk to the warm cup—this will bring the milk to temperature so it doesn’t curdle. When the tea is done steeping, slowly put it into your teacup over the milk.

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