What is ICloneable in c#?

What is ICloneable in c#?

The ICloneable interface enables you to provide a customized implementation that creates a copy of an existing object. The ICloneable interface contains one member, the Clone method, which is intended to provide cloning support beyond that supplied by Object. MemberwiseClone method.

Should I use ICloneable?

4 Answers. You shouldn’t. Microsoft recommends against implementing ICloneable because there’s no clear indication from the interface whether your Clone method performs a “deep” or “shallow” clone.

How to Clone an object using ICloneable interface?

The first way to clone an object is to simply implement the ICloneable interface provided by . NET. This interface has a single Clone method, inside which we should call the MemberwiseClone method of the Object class.

Which of the following method should be implemented when ICloneable interface is used?

ICloneable interface) should contain public or protected copy constructor. Base class should declare Clone method as virtual. Derived class should contain copy constructor which calls base class’s copy constructor. Both base and derived class should implement Clone method by simply invoking the copy constructor.

What is shallow and deep copy?

A shallow copy constructs a new compound object and then (to the extent possible) inserts references into it to the objects found in the original. A deep copy constructs a new compound object and then, recursively, inserts copies into it of the objects found in the original.

What is IConvertible interface in C#?

Synopsis. The IConvertible interface allows conversion of an object to basic data types and allows the conversion methods in the Convert class to use that object. When implementing the IConvertible interface, create your own type-specific methods for each of the supplied conversion methods.

What is C# MemberwiseClone?

The MemberwiseClone method creates a shallow copy by creating a new object, and then copying the nonstatic fields of the current object to the new object. If a field is a value type, a bit-by-bit copy of the field is performed.

What is ICloneable interface in C#?

The ICloneable interface is used to make a clone of an existing object. It contains only one method. The method contained in ICloneable is: Clone: Creates new object by taking a copy of an existing object. The ICloneable interface creates an object by taking the property of an existing object.

How do I copy one object to another in C#?

In general, when we try to copy one object to another object, both the objects will share the same memory address. Normally, we use assignment operator, = , to copy the reference, not the object except when there is value type field. This operator will always copy the reference, not the actual object.

Why do we need deep copy?

Deep copy is intended to copy all the elements of an object, which include directly referenced elements (of value type) and the indirectly referenced elements of a reference type that holds a reference (pointer) to a memory location that contains data rather than containing the data itself.

Is system Arraycopy deep copy?

arraycopy does shallow copy, which means it copies Object references when applied to non primitive arrays.

What is System IConvertible?

This interface provides methods to convert the value of an instance of an implementing type to a common language runtime type that has an equivalent value. The common language runtime typically exposes the IConvertible interface through the Convert class.

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