What is the measure word for pencils in Chinese?

What is the measure word for pencils in Chinese?

zhī 支
Common Measure Words

Class Measure Word (pinyin) Measure word (traditional Chinese Characters)
Portions fèn
flat objects (tables, paper) zhāng
Long round objects (pens, pencils) zhī
Letters and Mail fēng

What is the meaning of Zhi Chinese?

a. The name Zhi is of Chinese origin. The meaning of Zhi translates to ‘intellect’, ‘wisdom’, ‘a wise person’, ‘a person with good intentions’.

How do you measure the word Zhi?

支 – zhī This measure word is normally is used with long, stick-like objects: things like rifles, roses, pencils, or branches. In fact, the word “支 (zhī)” literally means branch.

Does China use imperial or metric?

Officially, China is on the metric system, though the traditional Chinese measurements are still commonly used in everyday life. Below are the most common measurements in both systems.

How many measure words are there in Mandarin?

As we’ve mentioned, there are about 150 commonly used measure words in Chinese, but if you can master the 15 most important ones we’ve covered in this article, you’ll be well on your way to being a measure word expert!

How do you use GE in Mandarin?

Number + Measure Word + Noun And the Measure Word Ge in Chinese is the most commonly used one. It is for anything that doesn’t have a special Measure Word. (Also it can be used as a casual universal measure word in colloquial language.)

What is the Chinese measure word for dog?

yī zhī
Did you know?

Measure Word Use
一只 yī zhī For relatively small animals, eg dogs, cats and rabbits
一头 yī tóu For larger animals, eg cows, pigs and elephants
一匹 yī pǐ For horses and wolves specifically
一条 yī tiáo For long, thin, wriggly or slithery animals, eg snakes and fish

Is Chinese inch different?

3 Answers. A Chinese inch is simply a unit of measurement. It has no relationship to the inch, it’s just called that way in English. No, inches are not a class of unit, an inch is an inch but a Chinese inch is something different.

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