How do I check my VSAM file status?

How do I check my VSAM file status?

The most common status code 92 is ‘VSAM file status 92 while writing’ and you need to fix the logical error related to write or rewrite….VSAM File Status.

File Status Description
98 The file is Locked – OPEN failed
99 Record Locked – record access failed

What is the file status?

File status is a two-byte code that indicates how a file operation completed; either successfully, or with some form of error. If an error occurs, the file status indicates the reason for the error.

What is status 23 in VSAM?

Indexed and relative files only. Attempt has been made to store a record that would create a duplicate key in the indexed or relative file OR a duplicate alternate record key that does not allow duplicates. 23. Indicates no record found.

How do you show file status in COBOL?

To define and use the file status information the following is required. A FILE STATUS field needs to be specified within the SELECT statement of a COBOL program. SELECT QSAM0080-FILE ASSIGN to QSAM0080 ORGANIZATION is SEQUENTIAL ACCESS MODE is SEQUENTIAL FILE STATUS is QSAM0080-STATUS.

What is file status 46 COBOL?

If a second sequential read is unsuccessful, a file status of 46 occurs and the AT END phrase is not executed.” When an AT END condition occurs, the READ is considered unsuccessful. This causes unpredictable results. The cause is the record contents returned to the program are UNDEFINED.

How do I read VSAM files in COBOL?


  1. Establish a Key. START statement positions the cursor.
  2. READ Statement. The purpose of READ statement is to fetch a record randomly after establishing a key.
  3. READ NEXT Statement. READ Next fetches records sequentially till end of the input VSAM file.
  4. Write a Record.

Can we open empty VSAM file?

A VSAM file that has never contained a record is treated as unavailable. An empty file can be opened for output only. When you open for output, COBOL will write a dummy record to the file and then delete it our.

How do I open a VSAM file?

OPEN OUTPUT for ESDS files. OPEN OUTPUT or OPEN EXTEND for KSDS and RRDS files….To initially load a VSAM file:

  1. Open the file.
  2. Use sequential processing ( ACCESS IS SEQUENTIAL ).
  3. Use WRITE to add a record to the file.

What is file status 92 in COBOL?

The 92 file status code (LOGIC ERROR) indicates you’re attempting to read a NEXT record without having established a current record to read the next record after.

What is file status 44 in COBOL?

Hi, File status 44 is a logical error in your program due to variable lenghts of files.

How do I fix status code 46?

Re: How to solve File status code 46 for the below code If you have unsorted files, then every key on one of the files must match on the other. Then you use the file which must only have matches as the “driver”. Read a record on that file, read until you find a match on the other file. Process.

What does the VSAM file status code mean?

VSAM file status code indicates the status of the operation. VSAM files require at least one data record to be initially loaded into the file before the file could be opened for input or update processing. This is because VSAM issues a VERIFY command upon opening a file to reset the end-of-file pointer.

What does missing DD statement mean in VSAM?

Missing DD statement for the VSAM or QSAM file. ItOPEN file successful and the file integrity verified. This might happen when a previous Job did not close the file so VSAM has to verify the integrity of the file. VSAM status code 97 is not a problem or issue. Improper loading of file.

Why is the verify command not working in VSAM?

This is because VSAM issues a VERIFY command upon opening a file to reset the end-of-file pointer. If the file has never been loaded, the VERIFY fails because the high used RBA (Relative Byte Address) (HI-USEDRBA) is still zero. Therefore, VSAM files must be initially “loaded” to set the HI-USED-RBA to a value other than zero.

What does the VSAM return code 92 mean?

VSAM return code 92 – LOGIC ERROR / OPENING A OPEN FILE / READING OUTPUT FILE / WRITING INTO A INPUT FILE / DEL or REW BUT NO PRIOR READ Logic error. Common logic errors are like a wrong way of Opening the file, improper way of reading the file or Writing the file.

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