What is synonyms for fabricate?

What is synonyms for fabricate?

synonyms for fabricate

  • assemble.
  • concoct.
  • construct.
  • contrive.
  • dream up.
  • formulate.
  • invent.
  • brainstorm.

What is the antonym for fabricate?

What is the opposite of fabricate?

dismantle demount
break demolish
disarrange divide
knock down neglect
raze ruin

What is the meaning fabricated?

transitive verb. 1a : invent, create. b : to make up for the purpose of deception accused of fabricating evidence. 2 : construct, manufacture specifically : to construct from diverse and usually standardized parts Their plan is to fabricate the house out of synthetic parts.

What is another word for crafting?

What is another word for crafting?

creating fashioning
developing forming
contriving devising
forging concocting
designing fabricating

What does crafty mean in slang?

If people call you crafty, they probably mean you are sly and a little deceptive. The adjective crafty comes from the Old English word cræftig, which meant “strong” or “powerful,” but the meaning of crafty these days has to do with being skilled at getting what you want through manipulation or trickery.

What is the meaning of the word fabricate?

To concoct or make up something that is untrue or inaccurate “She did not try to invent or fabricate some explanation for her misdeeds.” To retell something real as if it were fiction, especially by fabricating falsehoods

What is the difference between fabrication and manufacturing?

Thus, the entire process of fabrication is considered to create steel structures, machinery, and other such components made of structural steel. So, in relative term manufacturing can be referred to the manufacturing of steel structures while fabrication could be a part of the manufacturing process of the entire structural steel structures.

Which is the correct definition of the word make?

Make: to bring into being by combining, shaping, or transforming materials. Synonyms: fabricate, fashion, form… Antonyms: demount, disassemble, dismantle… Find the right word.

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