What to say if someone offers you drugs?

What to say if someone offers you drugs?

If you’re in a situation where someone is offering you alcohol or drugs, try this: Look the person in the eye. In a firm voice, tell the person you don’t want to drink or use drugs….Say something like:

  • “No, I’m sorry, but I don’t use….”
  • “No, I’m really trying to stay clean.”
  • “No, I’m trying to cut back.”

Why is there so much emphasis on saying no to drugs?

Drugs are not the way to deal with stress. They change the way your brain works. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. If you already have a mental health issue, drugs can worsen your condition.

What does ❄ mean in drugs?

πŸ’Ž, πŸ”, ❄ β€” Crystal meth. πŸ’Š β€” Can be used to mean prescription pills, drugs in general, or heroin.

How can we stop drugs in school?

Schools use many other methods to help prevent substance abuse among students. Allowing students to sign pledges that they will not use drugs or alcohol, teaming up with law enforcement to get the message across, and establishing mentoring programs are all ways schools are using to prevent substance abuse.

What are some good slogans for drug prevention?

To combat the abuse of drugs, the following series of drug prevention slogans have become popularized around the United States to raise awareness of drug abuse. A healthy me is drug free. Above the Influence. Angel dust is a disgust. Avoid a tragic death, stay away from crystal meth.

Why do we need an anti drug campaign?

Drug abuse is affecting the youth all over the world. It is ruining the society socially, physically, culturally, emotionally and economically. We need to raise our voice to create awareness among people regarding bad effects of drugs. Anti-drug campaigns can help to create awareness among people.

What are some of the best anti drug quotes?

Anti Drug Quotes. β€œYou should just say no to drugs. That will drive the prices down.” – Geechy Guy β€œThe greatest mistake in life is to get addicted to drugs becoming a prisoner of ecstasy and hallucination, and less of a man.” – Dr. T.P.Chia β€œIf you think dope is for kicks and for thrills, you’re out of your mind.

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